Sifa Za Kujiunga Na Chuo Cha CBE Diploma, Degree College of Business Education

Sifa Za Kujiunga Na Chuo Cha CBE Diploma, Degree College of Business Education;-  The origin of the College of Business Education (CBE) is closely linked to the history of the Nation itself. It was soon after Independence on 9th December 1961, that the newly independent state found itself in need of trained personnel to Commercial and Industrial activities. Vigezo Vya Kujiunga CBE

At that time there were very few nationals with commercial education and expertise. The need to train nationals for the commercial sector therefore gave birth to a business training institute in the country.

His Excellency, J.K. Nyerere, the first President of the United Republic of Tanzania officially opened the new College in Dar es Salaam – January 1965. The College was officially named the “College of Business Education” (CBE).

Sifa Za Kujiunga Na Chuo Cha CBE

The following is the College of Business Education Entry requirements, every prospective student at the College of Business Education is recommended to read the Entry requirements before applying for Admission to any academic programme available at CBE

College of Business Education (CBE) General Minimum Entry Requirements for Equivalent Applicants

Category of Applicants Minimum Undergraduate Admission Entry Qualifications

Diploma, FTC and Equivalent Qualification Applicants

At least four passes in non-religious subjects (“D‟s and above) at O‟ Level or NVA Level III with less than four O‟ Level passes or equivalent foreign qualifications as established by either NECTA or VETA; AND
i) At least a GPA of 3.0 for Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 6); OR
ii) Average of “C” for Full Technician Certificate (FTC) (where A=5, B=4, C=3, and D=2 points); OR
iii) Average of “B‟ Grade for Diploma in Teacher Education; OR
iv) Average of” B+‟ Grade for Health-related awards such as Clinical Medicine and others; OR
v) A Distinction for unclassified Diplomas and certificates; OR
vi) Upper Second Class for classified non-NTA Diplomas.

Programme of the OUT

A GPA of 3.0 accumulated from six core subjects and at least a grade from three subjects in a respective cluster (Arts, Science and Business Studies) PLUS 

An Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination with at least 1.5 from two subjects OR

An Ordinary Diploma from the recognized institution with a GPA of at least 2.0 OR NTA level 5 /Professional Technician Level II Certificate.

College of Business Education (CBE) General Minimum Entry Requirements for Direct Applicants

Category of Applicants  Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications
Completed A’ Level

Studies before 2014

Two principal passes with a total of 4.0 points in Two Subjects defining the admission into the respective programme (where A = 5; B = 4; C= 3; D = 2; E = 1; S = 0.5)
Completed A’ Level

Studies in 2014 and


Two principal passes (‘C’ and above) with a total of 4.0 points from Two Subjects defining the admission into the respective programme (where A = 5; B+ = 4; B = 3; C= 2; D = 1; E = 0.5)
Completed A’ Level

Studies from 2016


Two principal passes with a total of 4.0 points in Two Subjects defining the admission into the respective programme (where A = 5; B = 4; C= 3; D = 2; E = 1; S = 0.5)
Foundation Programme of the OUT A GPA of 3.0 accumulated from six core subjects and at least a grade from three subjects in a respective cluster (Arts, Science and Business Studies)


An Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination with at least 1.5 from two subjects OR

An Ordinary Diploma from the recognized institution with a GPA of at least 2.0 OR

NTA level 5 /Professional Technician Level II Certificate.

College of Business Education (CBE) Minimum Entry Requirements for all post graduate programmes

Admission into  Minimum Admission Entry Qualifications
Postgraduate Certificate programme At least a Bachelor Degree (UQF level 8).
Postgraduate Diploma programme A Postgraduate Certificate OR Bachelor Degree (UQF level 8) with a minimum GPA of 2.0 or C grade.
Master Degree

programme (all types)

a) A relevant academic Bachelor Degree (UQF level 8) or equivalent with GPA of 2.7 or grade;

b) A Postgraduate Diploma in relevant discipline/area or equivalent with minimum GPA of 3.0 or grade; and c) A Professional training qualification with additional relevant training, evidence of research capability and relevant working experience.

Phd programme (all


A Master Degree (UQF level 9) in relevant discipline/area or equivalent with a minimum of GPA of 3.0 or B grade.

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