[Ajira Za Afya Application System] 2023/2024 MoHCDGEC Application Portal
In that Instrument, the President has created a Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children which is mandated for the formulation of the following things for the development of Tanzania.
[Ajira Za Afya Application System] – MoHCDGEC Application Portal
MoHCDGEC Application Portal is mandated for the formulation of the following things for the development of Tanzania;-
- Policies on Health, Community Development, the Elderly Children and Gender and their implementation.
- Preventive and Curative Services.
- Chemical Management Services.
- Medical Laboratory Services.
- Medical Research and Nutrition.
- Food and Drug Quality Services.
- Medical Supplies.
- Promotion of Traditional and Alternative Medicine.
- Health Services Inspection.
- Family Planning.
- International Health and Medical Organizations.
- Coordination of NGO dealing with the functions under this sector.
- Coordination of International Organization under this sector.
- Performance Improvement and Development of Human Resource Service and their Implementation under this ministry.
- Extra-Ministerial Departments, Parastatal Organization, and Projects under this ministry.
Also Read;
- www.moh. go. tz ajira mpya 2023/2024 Wizara ya Afya ajira.moh. go. tz
- Ajira Mpya Wizara Ya Afya 2023/2024 PDF Ministry of Health
MoHCDGEC Application Portal – Ajira Za Afya Application System
How To Register With MoHCDGEC Application System?
To register with the Health job application system of the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly, and Children must include the following information:-
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Password
How To Sign In MoHCDGEC Application System?
After Registration in the Health sector job government recruitment System known as MoHCDGEC Application Portal, you can log in by using the following:-
- Password
Note: Use Information that is used to register in the System in case you forgot your sign-in password you can reset it by Clicking forget the password.
MoHCDGEC Application Portal Help Desk Contacts
For help with how to use this system you can contact us through the following contacts
Phone Number: +255 714 821 099, +255 656 548 317.