The Best popular newspapers in Canada

The Best popular newspapers in Canada;- There is nothing quite like a good old-fashioned newspaper to bring people together. From chatting over the latest headlines over a cup of joe to soaking up the ambiance of a community newspaper, newspapers have been a crucial part of society for centuries.

Today, newspapers continue to play a vital role in society, meeting their audiences where they are, and keeping them informed without fear or favour. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the best Canadian newspapers, from large-circulation newspapers such as the Globe and Mail, to smaller, more intimate community newspapers.

Best popular newspapers in Canada

Popular Newspapers In Canada

Popular Newspapers In Canada

We hope this list of the best popular newspapers in Canada will be of value to both readers and journalists alike. So, whether you are a casual reader or an avid news consumer, this list of the best popular newspapers in Canada has got you covered.

What is a popular newspaper?

Popular newspapers are those newspapers with high circulation, which in turn means they are read by a large number of people on a daily basis. Although many local newspapers are also considered popular, national newspapers usually make the cut.

These may be daily newspapers, or special interest newspapers. Examples of the former include the National Advocate, the National Post, and the Toronto Star. National newspapers may also include the Wall Street Journal and New York Times.

Examples of the latter include the Globe and Mail, Wall Street Journal, Detroit Times, and Miami Herald.

1. Globe and Mail

The Globe and Mail is Canada’s national newspaper, as well as one of the most popular in the world. It is published in Toronto, and is the only newspaper listed here that is distributed only in Canada. It is also notable for being the only newspaper in the world to be passed into law, which it did in 1867 through The Globe and Mail Act.

2. Montreal Gazette

Montreal’s Gazette is another widely published newspaper that is considered a popular newspaper. Like the Globe and Mail, it is also known for being the only newspaper in the world to be passed into law, which it did in 1867 through The Montreal Gazette Act.

3. Calgary Herald

The Herald is a family-owned newspaper that has been in operation in Calgary, Alberta, Canada since 1909. It is still owned by the same family and is considered to be one of the most reliable newspapers in the world.

4. Edmonton Journal

The Journal is another top-notch Canadian newspaper that has been published in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada since 1978. It is one of the most widely read newspapers in the country, and also one of the most widely reported. Its popularity can be attributed to its coverage of local news, as well as its general accessibility.

5. Vancouver Sun

The Sun is another widely read newspaper that is part of a media family that has been publishing in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada since 1863. Like the Journal and Herald, the Sun is also a general-interest publication. Like the other papers on this list, the Sun is also very reliable.

6. Cogeco News

Cogeco is a media company that publishes several top-notch newspapers and magazines in Canada, as well as other news and current affairs publications. It also owns television, radio, and online news services. Among its many publications, Cogeco News is one of the most popular with its National Geographic-themed paper, the National Geographic News.


The best popular newspapers in Canada are those that have been around the longest, and are still actively publishing. The oldest newspapers still in circulation in Canada are the Globe and Mail, the Montreal Gazette and the Calgary Herald.

In order to be considered a popular newspaper, it must be read by a large number of people on a daily basis, and circulation must be at least 50,000. The Globe and Mail and the Montreal Gazette are the only newspapers on this list that are only available in Canada.

As you can see from the list of the best popular newspapers in Canada, there is a wide range of newspapers to choose from. The best part about newspapers is that they can be found practically anywhere, and you can always get your daily news whether you are at home or on the go.


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