How To Plop Curly Hair [ Full tutorial Guide]

How To Plop Curly Hair [ Full tutorial Guide];– I’m here to talk to you all about clapping yes I said flopping is a funny word but if you are a curly girl then you’ve probably heard of this technique before and maybe you’ve never tried it for yourself I personally love to use this technique to help give me soft defined curls and to help really dry my hair a little bit quicker. How to plop hair
There are lots of variations of this technique but in this article, I’m going to show you exactly how I like to
plop hair if you’re interested then make sure to keep reading.

How To Plop Curly Hair [ Full tutorial Guide]

Yeah, let’s get this party started so first let me talk about why plopping can be beneficial to you I love to plop my hair after I have washed it and put in the product because one it really helps to give me nice defined curls two it keeps my hair out of my face while I’m doing my makeup and three because when I plop my hair stays on top of my head instead of hanging down and letting the kind of the product of weigh my hair down and weigh my curls down so I end up getting nice.
Super defined bouncier curls a lot of people do it for convenience because you can style your hair in the evening and plop it and then sleep on the plop and then in the morning wake up and let it go and you’ve got nice defined waves in the morning that is nice and dry the way that I plot my hair is first, of course, I wash my hair wash your hair cleanse it with your favorite shampoo and conditioner and then I go in with my styling products you can use whatever you love I put in all of my styling products before I plop my hair.
This is super important because as you plop your hair is going to start to dry so you already want those products in your hair doing their work doing their magic while your hair is starting to dry so the way that I plop my hair is by using the ultimate hair towel by Hair Repair you guys have heard me talk about this towel.
I love using this particular towel because it is so much easier to use than using a t-shirt to do this technique you’ve got a lot more fabric so it’s much easier to wrap around your hair and to tie and secure while you’re getting ready or to sleep on or whatever it’s just going to stay in place better it’s extremely lightweight to use it’s super soft so it’s nice and comfortable and it’s very absorbent so it’s going to absorb any extra water.
Any extra products that are in your hair leaving you with just beautiful defined curls I lay my towel out and I then gather all of my hair on top of my head I flip my head over gather all my hair on top of my head and put it in the center of the towel this the towel is rectangular in shape then go ahead and take the front part where my
the forehead is and I just bring that around to the center of my head.
Then I take the back part of the towel and I flip that around the nape of my neck so that it’s nice and snug and then I bring that side together with the other side and so then you have just these two long strips now there are lots of different ways that you can kind of tie your towel I like to then twist both of those sides towards the back of my head until I kind of have these long twists I just simply take those two twists behind my head and I tie them in a knot you can tuck the sides you can do it however you want I like to keep the towel very nice and tight on top of my head.
That way my curls are kind of mushed down to the top of my head because that is kind of where I want everything to just sit and soak in then once it’s tied you are free to do whatever you want to do what I typically do is go ahead and do my makeup that way my hair is completely out of my face and my products are doing their magic you could actually sleep in it and allow your hair to completely dry I like to leave it in for about 30 minutes.
while I do my makeup and then I take it out and as you can see my hair is a little bit dry and it’s got nice defined curls at that point you can let your hair completely air dry I like to go ahead and use my diffuser for maximum
volume and because I just don’t really like to walk around with a wet head I go ahead and defuse my hair and then
here is my final outcome.
it’s a very simple technique it’s super easy to do one of the biggest benefits of using the ultimate hair towel by Hair Repair is the size of the towel I think the size of it makes all the difference in how easy it is to plop the hair and how easy it is to secure the towel they have a 19 inch by 39 inches and then a 29 inch by 45 inches I do have the larger size I feel like the bigger the better so yeah that’s what I use that is it, you guys
I really hope you enjoyed
How To Plop Hair

How To Plop Hair


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