Full Tutorial Guide To Get a Degree Online

How to Get a Degree Online, Today, more than ever, taking a degree online is a popular option among students. Not only is it easy to find universities online, but you can also find some free universities! So if you’re wondering how to get a degree online, look no further. We’ll go through everything you need to get this certification online.

Want to know how to get a degree online? Follow these steps to achieve this.

Why study online?

As of 2017, more than one in four students (29.7%) were enrolled in online courses. This reaches over 6 million students. Online learning is increasing increasingly every year and with good reason. There are many benefits to studying online. Let’s review it:

  • Lower costs.

Online degree degrees include standard tuition and fees like most universities. However, online learning means there are no costs of living associated with the school. You also don’t need to pay for transportation. This alone reduces your spending.

  • Comfort and flexibility.

When you study online, your schedule is much more flexible. You’re freer to fit things into your daily and monthly routine than might not be possible if you study on campus. For example, you could keep a part-time or even full-time job and study at home. You can keep up with the hobbies you may have and continue to enjoy a social life that fits your schedule.

  • Your way, your time.

When you study online, you can decide when and where to study. Depending on your personal learning style, you can study in a coffee shop or in your favorite armchair in your very own living room. You are probably a night owl and like to study late hours. The point is that you have freedom of choice.

  • More options.

In many cases, when you study on campus, you have to be mindful of location when choosing courses, and this can limit your choices. However, studying online eliminates any concerns about a classroom placement. Without restrictions, you are free to take any courses you want (except for compulsory courses).

  • He travels abroad, he goes abroad.

Obtaining an online degree means you can study abroad, even if you are not physically present in the country. Want to get a certificate from France? Go for it! You may be a home resident in the United States, but will be affiliated with a European university. Even if you choose an American university, studying online means you have the freedom to go anywhere you want. Just make sure it fits the schedule you set for yourself.

There is also growing support for online education. A 2003 report showed that more than half of academic leaders agreed that online instruction was equal to or superior to in-person classes. Most of them acknowledge the benefits of online learning.

The first steps to take

First things first, you have to decide on a major. Once you know what you want to study, you will search for a university that offers that degree. Today there is no shortage of degree programs to choose from. Sometimes, the more options we have, the harder the decision. So you may be wondering which are the best online degrees and from there you can narrow your options. Let’s see what they are.

The best online degrees

The successful student has a list of the top 20 online scores. The list is based on the best online degrees for a rewarding career and advancement in today’s workforce. The listed scores have been selected based on factors such as salary, growth, and relevant curricula for education in various occupations. Let’s see what are the top 10:

The best online degrees

  1. Business Administration
  2. Accounting
  3. Financial
  4. marketing
  5. HR
  6. Hospitality
  7. Project management
  8. Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  9. Video game design and game art
  10. Animation and graphic design

As you can see, the business is the most popular degree on the Internet. This is because it allows for a lot of variety and you can take it in almost every direction you want. An online degree in Business is a great option, perfect for entrepreneurship. And if you like the sound of free online degrees, check out our business administration programs here at University of the People. We have masters, bachelor’s and associate degrees available online at no tuition cost.

Which school to choose?

If there is more than one school that offers the program you want, you will need to narrow your options and see which school suits you best.


The list of the best online universities may help you. We went through all the universities online in the US and found the largest of them. As mentioned in the article, there are reasons why choosing the largest universities is the right choice.

You have more options with a greater range of majors and classes to choose from.
They are more organized and have systems in place, including student resources.
There are more students enrolled, which means you can contact and communicate with more people.

The University of Phoenix is ​​ranked as the largest university with 165,743 students online. Their most popular degrees are Office Administration, Supervision, Behavioral Sciences, and Medical Office Assistant / Specialist.

Liberty University is the second largest university with 75,044 students online. The most popular online degrees at this university are Business, Management, and Marketing.

University of the People is also an option. There are degree programs in business administration, computer science, education, and health sciences. All programs are online and free of tuition! There is only the exam fee that the student will have to pay.

Remember, when choosing an online school, it is important to ensure it is accredited. The US Department of Education offers a database site that allows you to check the reliability of universities. So it is worth doing a quick research before registering.

Have you taken classes online before?

For those who have never obtained an online degree, it is helpful to know exclusively the nature of studying online. An online degree is very different from an on-campus education. It offers many positive points, but there are always some things to keep in mind. For those who are accustomed to face-to-face interactions and physical access to resources, studying at home can be a challenge. Here are some of the key differences between studying online and studying on campus.

Connection method.

While on-campus universities offer face-to-face contact, online degrees do not. Sure, you have email and chat rooms, but for “people-people” it can be a bit difficult. At least initially.


Studying at home means you have fewer material resources. For example, you don’t have a huge school library to go to. You also won’t have the school lab (if it is relevant to your degree).


Not having a mandatory class schedule means it’s all up to you. So this might come as a shock to those who are used to setting their own schedules. Freedom is great, but it has a price.

Transfer of previous appropriations

If you have already taken some courses, you may be able to transfer the old credits and use them to earn your next degree online. Check out our article: Do University Credits Expire? Your Guide to Transferring Credits For an in-depth guide on how to transfer your credits.

Apply for the program

So you choose your major and you know which school you want to attend. You have crossed a big hurdle! But now you have to actually apply to the program. Here’s what you need to do:

Fill out the form. Most universities make it easy for you to apply, so the application process is very simple. Once you enter the university’s website, you will follow their clear instructions on how it works.

Submit your documents. You will likely need to send in your high school transcripts and / or previous college credits you took if you have already taken some courses. You will also need to show proof of identity (driver’s license, Social Security, etc.), and if you are an international student, you will need to show proof of citizenship from your country.

Form fee. Almost all orders have a fee. It will most likely cost you between $ 30 and $ 60 per application. Therefore, if you wish to apply to more than one university, keep in mind that these fees are one-time payments and you will not be reimbursed if you are not accepted or if you decide that you are no longer interested.

Pay the tuition fee

Congratulations! You have been accepted into the school you are applying to. What now? You have to pay. When it comes to paying, you have a few options. And you better be wise about the way you go. The tuition fee depends on the number of courses you have and the cost of each. Regarding the payment, you can pay in advance or you can choose the installment plans that will differ according to each school.

Tips on how to succeed in learning online

As mentioned above, obtaining a full-fledged degree online differs from traditional on-campus degrees and there are pros and cons to both. Since you are planning to take a program online, we want you to succeed. So we have some tips that will help you. You can also check How to Succeed in an Online Classroom for more strategies.

  • Create a workspace for yourself.
  • Your study environment is extremely important.
  • Choose a spot you can focus on.
  • Time management is key.



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