Download 2022 TVEE Intermediate Level Results

Download 2022 TVEE Intermediate Level Results in this post You Will Download all  Cameroon  TVEE Intermediate Level Results.

Download 2022 TVEE Intermediate Level Results

After the Cameroonisation of the London GCE in 1977, things went on smoothly until 1984. From 1984 onwards, the GCE began experiencing irregularities as some London officials began withdrawing.

Download 2022 TVEE Intermediate Level Results

Download 2022 TVEE Intermediate Level Results;-Beginning from 1990, when the University of London Examination and Assessment Council withdrew completely from the role it had played so far on the Cameroon GCE, the irregularities became even more alarming. Some of these irregularities included,

  • The use of GCE questions reserved for future sessions for Entrance Examinations into ENS in 1990,
  • Change of the format of the GCE question papers in 1991 without prior notice to candidates, poor printing,
  • Wrong pagination,
  • Wrong spellings,
  • Shortage of question papers and materials,
  • Late arrival of question papers and the postponement of some papers,
  • Wrong instructions on question papers and examination leakages.

Download 2022 TVEE Intermediate Level Results 

In response to this popular demand, the Prime Minister of the Republic signed an order (Nº: 194/CAB/PM of 11th September, 1992) creating a Technical Committee to carry out studies and make recommendations on the organization and functioning of the GCE Examination Board.

The first Cameroon GCE examination was conducted in June 1971. Until June 1987, the marketing of the Cameroon GCE       examination was done in the lone centre of Yaounde on a rotatory basis such that the subjects marked in one centre in one year would be marked in another centre the following years.


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