14 Best Options Trader jobs in the World 2023

With the advent of the internet, trading has become a global phenomenon. It has evolved from the traditional concept of buying and selling of goods to the digital world.

There are many options traders in the world who earn their living by trading on stock exchanges, Forex, commodities, and other financial instruments. The options trader is someone who is skilled in predicting future price movements for stocks or other financial assets. They can also be called as market makers or specialists depending on what they are doing.

It’s a crowded field, but there are still plenty of options trader jobs out there. You can find them in institutional sales and investment management divisions, as well as at independent firms that focus on trading. If you’re looking to get into the world of options trading, there are many different ways to go about it.

14 Best Options Trader jobs in the World

This article will discuss some of the best options trader jobs in the World with respect to location and salary potential.

1. Options Trader

  • Options Trader

Options trading is the buying and selling of options. Successful options trading requires an understanding of both basic options strategies (such as vertical spreads and strangles) as well as complex option strategies (such as iron condors, butterflies, and calendars).

2. Junior Options Trader

You should know that options are a type of derivative, which means they derive their value from the price of an underlying asset. They can be traded on an exchange or over the phone, and they’re typically handled by a broker.

Options are also considered securities and can serve as a substitute for shares in companies listed on an exchange. They allow investors to bet on whether or not a particular stock will rise or fall in price by giving them rights to buy or sell stocks at set prices at a future date.

3. Remote Option Trader

Remote option trading is the perfect job for individuals who prefer working from home. There’s no need to commute, dress up, or travel; you can work in your pajamas if you so choose! The best part is that there’s no need to interact with people—you can keep to yourself and avoid office drama while still earning a decent salary.

4. Online Option Trader

Online option trader is a trader who trades options on the financial market. An online option trader needs to be very careful while trading, as they are dealing with money that belongs to other people and they need to make sure that their own money is safe.

If you are interested in this career path then you will need to have a lot of skill and experience, as well as patience and discipline.

5. Options Trading Consultant

Options trading consultants help companies and individuals with their options trading strategies. They are often hired by companies to help them with their options trading strategies and they can be hired by individuals as well.

6. Commodities Trader

Commodities traders buy and sell commodities such as oil, gold, and coffee. Commodities are traded on exchanges, such as the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), London Metal Exchange (LME), and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME).

Traders typically use proprietary software to monitor market trends and make trades based upon their analysis of supply/demand dynamics. They also may be required to provide technical support for their team members’ trading decisions.

7. Stock Broker or Stock Trader

Stock Brokers and Stock Traders are the middlemen between buyers and sellers of stocks. A Stock Broker makes a market in stocks, bonds, and other securities. In order to do this, he or she must be registered with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). The broker buys securities from one party and sells them to another party at an agreed-upon price.

The difference between a stockbroker and trader is that your main job is buying or selling stocks for clients who want advice on what they should buy/sell while your own financial goals are secondary or even non-existent.

If you’re interested in becoming a trader yourself, you’ll need at least three years of experience as an investment banker or financial analyst before applying for membership in one of several professional societies such as the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) which governs all professional traders in America under its auspices; only after passing their exams will you receive your license!

8. Day Trader

Businesses that engage in day trading are called day traders. Day trading is a type of trading in which a trader holds a position for a few hours or a day at a time. The goal is to make small profits within the same day, hence “day trader.”

Day traders will typically keep their positions open for no more than several hours during which they will trade multiple times (sometimes dozens of trades each hour). The opening and closing rates are used by traders to determine the direction of their next trade.

9. Equity Sales Trader

If you have a knack for sales and enjoy working with people, then becoming an equity sales trader might be right up your alley. In essence, an equity sales trader is a broker who buys and sells equities (stocks) for clients. An equity sales trader makes markets in stocks and executes buy and sell orders for the client base of his brokerage firm or bank.

As such, he must be able to quickly analyze market conditions and make decisions based on this analysis. Equity sales traders are accountable for their actions despite any circumstances that may arise during the course of trading activity.

A bachelor’s degree in business administration or finance is required to become an equity sales trader. Courses in economics can also come in handy when it comes to making financial decisions regarding investments on behalf of your clients.



Further education will help advance your career as a successful equity sales trader; many people go back to school after receiving their undergraduate degree so they can earn master’s degrees in finance or risk management before applying for roles at larger institutions with higher salaries

10. Commodity Broker or Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)

  • Commodity Broker or Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)
  • You are a CTA if you trade in futures, options and other derivatives on commodities. If you are an independent trader, you cannot be a broker unless you also carry on a business of dealing in spot commodity contracts to the public.

11. Investment Banking Analyst and Associate

Investment banking analysts are professionals who work on the sell side, helping clients to raise capital in public offerings. Their role is similar to that of an investment analyst on the buy side; they analyze companies’ stocks and make recommendations on whether or not their clients should invest in them.

Investment banking associates perform many of the same tasks as analysts but with more responsibility, typically working directly with clients rather than solely behind-the-scenes at their desk or trading floor. As such, they usually have a minimum of three years’ experience in finance before applying for associate positions.

12. Research Analyst, Equity Research, Institutional Sales, and Investment Management Divisions

Research Analyst, Equity Research, Institutional Sales, and Investment Management Divisions

  • What you do: You help the investment team make recommendations about which stocks to buy. You analyze trends in the stock market and evaluate companies based on their products and services. You assemble data to support your analysis.
  • Skills needed: In order to succeed as a research analyst, you’ll need strong analytical skills; an ability to understand complex financial information; creativity and imagination so that you can identify new opportunities; communication skills to explain your findings clearly; knowledge of accounting principles or economics background

13. High-Frequency Traders (HFT) / Quantitative Traders (Quants)

People who work in this job:

  • High-frequency traders (HFT) and quantitative traders (quants) sometimes work together. They are both concerned with decision making based on data, but they use different models and tools to get there.
  • HFTs rely on computer algorithms that can execute thousands of trades per second. A good example of an algorithm would be one that identifies price trends and places orders accordingly.
  • Quantitative traders use mathematical models as opposed to computerized algorithms to make decisions about when to buy or sell stocks based upon historical market data—and they’re not necessarily concerned with short-term price movements.

14. Portfolio Managers, Traders, and Analysts at Hedge Funds and Mutual Funds

As a portfolio manager, you will be responsible for managing the assets of a fund, which may include stocks, bonds, derivatives and other investment vehicles. You need to ensure that the performance of your fund is strong within your investment strategy and risk tolerance level.

In addition to monitoring this aspect of risk on an ongoing basis (through research and analysis), you should also trade with caution when warranted by market conditions.


In the end, it’s important to remember that becoming a trader is not for everyone. If you think this career path is right for you, then go for it! But if not, don’t worry—there are plenty more options out there.



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