The University of Oxford Acceptance Rate in 2022

Oxford University
Oxford University

If you’re intrigued by the idea of studying at Oxford University, then it’s time to find out what kind of competition you’ll face. The University of Oxford is one of the most prestigious universities in the world and has a storied history dating back almost 900 years.

In fact, it was founded before William the Conqueror was even born! Since then, it has been ranked as one of the best universities in Europe and is consistently ranked among the top universities in the world by U.S News & World Report.

In addition to academics, Oxford also offers students some amazing perks such as a beautiful location (one of my favorites!), an abundance of green space around campus that makes it feel like a mini-village set within a busy city center (such as London), as well as plenty of opportunities for students to engage with other cultures through study abroad programs or internships abroad during their university career – both which are great ways to improve your resume if you decide not to pursue further education after graduating from this elite institution!

Acceptance Rate of Oxford University in 2022

When it comes to getting accepted, the acceptance rate of Oxford University in 2022 is 15.2%. This number varies from subject to subject and year by year.

For example, if you apply for Computer Science at Oxford in 2022, your chance of being accepted is much higher than if you apply for English Literature that same year. The reason is simple: there are more applicants who want to study Computer Science than English Literature! In general, the acceptance rate at Oxford will be higher for subjects that have more applicants than spots available (such as Medicine) and lower for subjects with fewer applicants (such as Classics).

In addition to nationality and subject choice affecting your odds of getting into an elite university like Oxford University, another important factor affecting your probability of admission is whether or not you’re applying via early decision or regular decision application deadlines.

The hardest thing about studying at Oxford is getting in!

The hardest part about studying at Oxford is getting in! But if you want to study there, then you’ll need to be prepared for the application process.

The first step is to check out our guide on getting into Oxford University. If you know someone who has studied there before and can help you with the application process, that would be even better. Even though some universities might say they don’t have an interview process, most do—and it’s important not only for your chances at getting accepted but also because it could be a great experience.

Oxford University
Oxford University

If you’re thinking of applying to Oxford or another university that requires interviews, we recommend doing some research beforehand so that when the moment comes (and it will), nothing will surprise or throw off your plans.

The acceptance rate of Oxford University is 15.2%

The acceptance rate of Oxford University is 15.2%. The admissions committee evaluates all applicants based on their academic qualifications, personal statements and letters of recommendation.

The university uses a holistic approach to its admission process, which means that every candidate’s application is carefully considered in the context of their personal circumstances.

What is the University of Oxford Law Acceptance Rate?

The law school acceptance rate is 12.1%. This means that if you apply, you have a 1 in 8 chance of getting into the University of Oxford Law School. The law school has a reputation for being one of the most competitive schools in all of England and is one of Oxford’s most competitive schools as well.

If you want to go to an elite institution and get your education paid for by someone else while working with other elites, this may be the place for you!

What is the University of Oxford Undergraduate Acceptance Rate?

The University of Oxford admission rate is 15.2%. The acceptance rate for undergraduate courses is 15.2%, for graduate courses it’s 16.4%, and for postgraduate courses it’s 15.1%. Doctoral students have an 11.3% acceptance rate at the University of Oxford, which means that if you’re planning to study there, don’t expect to get in easily!

What is the University of Oxford Graduate Acceptance Rate?

The acceptance rate for graduate studies at the University of Oxford is 10%. This means that out of all applicants, only around 10% are accepted into this program.

What’s more, the acceptance rate for graduate study applications is different from the undergraduate acceptance rate. For those who do not know, Oxford has an undergraduate enrollment cap at 2,000 students per year and accepts less than 20% of applicants overall (the exact figure varies by year).

However, this does not apply to graduate programs; there is no cap on enrollment for these courses and therefore no limit on how many people can be admitted into them each year.

Therefore comes a higher chance of being accepted: applying to an undergraduate program at Oxford gives you approximately a 20% chance at getting in; applying to a master’s degree or doctoral program will increase those odds further because there aren’t any caps and less competition among applicants!

The acceptance rate varies from subject to subject.

The acceptance rate varies from subject to subject. For example, the acceptance rate for Computer Science is lower than the acceptance rate for English Literature. However, they are both higher than the acceptance rate for History.

Additionally, some subjects have an overall higher or lower acceptance rate than others. For example, Biological Sciences has a lower acceptance rate than Philosophy and Psychology but a higher one when compared to Music and Humanities.

What are the requirements to get into Oxford?

  • GPA of 3.8 or higher
  • GRE scores of 300 or higher
  • TOEFL scores of 100 or higher
  • IELTS scores of 7 or higher
  • GMAT scores of 600 or higher
  • GRE Subject Test scores

What is the University of Oxford US Acceptance rate?

The US acceptance rate is 12.9% and this is lower than the UK acceptance rate which stands at 15%. The US acceptance rate is also lower than the international acceptance rate.

The University of Oxford has a higher undergraduate acceptance rate in comparison to its master’s program which could be due to students being accepted into undergraduate programs first and then applying for postgraduate programs later on.

About Oxford University

The University of Oxford is one of the oldest universities in the world, with a history dating back over eight centuries. It has always been one of Britain’s most prestigious institutions, as well as one of its most selective. Founded in 1096 after an order by William the Conqueror for monks to establish a religious community at Oxford and teach English youths, it was granted a royal charter by Henry II in 1155.

The university is ranked first globally according to several ranking systems and surveys from major publications such as Times Higher Education; QS World University Rankings; US News Best Global Universities Ranking; Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU).

In addition to this, Oxford University holds numerous prestigious titles including having been named after being one of 24 members selected from hundreds across Europe as part of Erasmus+ Programme which provides opportunities for students from different countries across Europe studying abroad at other partner institutions

What is the University of Oxford International Acceptance Rate?

The University of Oxford International Acceptance Rate is 18.7%. This means that if you apply to the University of Oxford as an international student, there’s a 1 in 5 chance that you’ll be accepted.

The overall acceptance rate at Oxford is lower than the acceptance rate for international students. The common reasoning for this is that because many UK applicants apply through schools, they have more resources at their disposal and are able to learn English better than international applicants who are not familiar with the language or culture.

It’s important to note that this doesn’t mean that your chances of getting into Oxford are 0% if you’re from abroad—we’re looking at one data point here! But it does mean that there’s only around a 19% chance that you’ll get in if you apply as an international applicant​

What is the University of Oxford Ph.D. Acceptance Rate?

Oxford University has a very low acceptance rate. The Ph.D. program at Oxford is the most competitive of their graduate programs, with an acceptance rate of 3.2%. The MPhil (Masters of Philosophy) program has an acceptance rate of 1.5% and the MSc (Master of Science) program has an acceptance rate of 4.1%.

Get yourself ready for the competitive application process.

If you’re applying to Oxford, keep in mind that the odds are against you. According to the Statistics Division of Oxford, approximately 1% of international applicants are admitted.

However, if you’re willing to work hard and learn everything there is about the university (including how important it is to be kind), then there’s a good chance that these tips will help you succeed in your application process:

  • Be prepared for rejection

It’s important to understand that being rejected by Oxford doesn’t mean anything about who you are as a person or how capable of success at other unis. It simply means that your application wasn’t strong enough—and there’s nothing wrong with that! If anything, this experience should encourage yourself not only strive harder next time but also appreciate what an honor it is just being considered for admission into such an elite institution.

  • Be prepared for acceptance

What if? What if? That single word can make someone feel like anything is possible—especially when they’ve been through so much heartbreak already. For example: Imagine waking up tomorrow morning only realizing that today’s Monday instead of Tuesday; then going through all stages again until finally realizing what day it actually was after all (Hint: Thursday).

This feeling can be both exhilarating yet terrifying because while there may or may not be something better out there waiting around corner

What is the University of Oxford Acceptance Rate?

The acceptance rate of Oxford University is 15.2% for the 2022-2023 academic year. This means that only 15 out of every 100 applicants are admitted.

The acceptance rates vary from subject to subject, but this is mostly due to the popularity of certain courses and not because of differences in admission requirements or quality of students applying for them:

  • Arts: 28% acceptance rate (5,098 applications received)
  • Biological sciences: 21% acceptance rate (3,032 applications received)
  • Mathematical sciences: 18% acceptance rate (2,785 applications received)

What is the University of Oxford Business School Acceptance Rate?

The acceptance rate at the University of Oxford Business School is 13.6%. That means that only 13% of applicants to the business school were accepted in 2022.

The acceptance rate varies from subject to subject and program to program, so it’s important to know what subjects you would like to major in before applying. Here’s a breakdown by department:

  • Economics – 14%#linebreak

What does your GPA have to be to get into Oxford?

Your grade point average (GPA) is not the most important factor in your application to Oxford. It’s more about what you can do with your life, than how well you have done at school.

It is important to be able to show that you have taken part in a variety of activities and interests outside of school work. Your personal statement should reflect this and there are many different areas which you could consider including: sport, music and drama, volunteering, charity work and community action groups, working for local businesses or family businesses – these are just some examples but there are many others!

To ace the interview stage it’s essential that you research as much as possible about Oxford University; its history/traditions/achievements etc., so as not only will they feel like they know who they’re interviewing but also so that they can ask informed questions relating to various aspects of university life at Oxford

(ie: what kind of lecturers do we get here?; What sort of facilities do we have access too?; How much time do I need per day if I want A grades?) etc.)

It’s possible to get into Oxford, but it’s not easy!

In order to get into Oxford, you need to be a well-rounded student. You need to be smart and competitive, but also a good writer and test-taker. You can’t just be one of those things or the other—you have to be able to combine all of them into one impressive package.

It may sound like an overwhelming amount of work and learning that you’ll have to do in order to even think about getting into Oxford, but if you start working on improving yourself now by taking classes online or going up against your friends in quizzes at home, then by the time 2022 rolls around (or whenever else), it’ll seem like nothing!


In the end, if you want to go to Oxford, you have to study hard and apply yourself. There are some amazing programs at Oxford that will help you develop skills and knowledge that will serve you well in your professional career or even just as an individual. If you want it bad enough, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t apply!

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