
Python Module Not Found Error Solution [How to Fix]

Python Module Not Found Error Solution [How to Fix];- Have you ever encountered a Python module not found error? It’s frustrating, I know. But don’t worry! In this article, we’ll walk through how to fix the problem. We’ll cover why the error occurs in the first place, as well as how to fix it using pip and setuptools.

This article is intended for intermediate Python developers who have some experience with the command line, but not necessarily with Python. If you’re new to Python or programming in general, this article might be a little too advanced for you. You can still use it as a guide if you’re having trouble with this specific error though!

Python Module Not Found Error Solution [How to Fix]

You have probably faced the Module Not Found error at some point in your programming life. This problem is pretty common, and there are several ways to fix it.

In this article, we’ll show you how to resolve this issue and get back to coding quickly so that you can focus on what really matters: shipping a great product!


  • module-not-found is an exception that is raised when a module cannot be found.
  • module-not-found is a built-in exception; it’s not part of the standard Python library but you can use it in any Python script.
  • module-not-found is a subclass of ImportError, so if you want to handle this error as if it were an ImportError, you can simply use: try: import some_module except ImportError as err: do something.
  • module-not-found may also be raised when an attribute or method on an object was accessed and no such attribute or method exists; this happens when trying to write something like mylist[0]. That would raise AttributeError in python 2 (since lists do not have attributes) and ModuleNotFoundError in python 3 (since lists are mutable).

How to Fix ModuleNotFoundError and ImportError

The following sections will explain how to deal with the ModuleNotFoundError and ImportError errors in Python.

In order to solve these problems, you can use pip to install the module, use the Python interpreter to import the module, or import it from the local directory.

How do I fix a module not found?

There are a number of ways to install and use Python modules. The following is the list of options:

  • Import the module from the local directory, which means it is in your current working directory.
  • Import the module from global directory, which means it’s installed on your computer and you can use it everywhere you want.
  • Import the module from virtual environment (virtualenv). If you have already created one, then go ahead and import it here; otherwise create one first by running “python -m venv env” in terminal then run “source env/bin/activate” to activate your virtual environment. After this step go back to terminal window then type “pip install ” command where stands for whatever package you want to install on your machine! You might need root permissions for this step since pip needs write access over certain folders before installing packages! This method works best if all other methods fail miserably!

How do I fix a module not found in Python?

If you are getting a module not found error, you can use the pip command to install the module. Try to install it from the official website or from an unofficial source. Here are some popular ways to fix this issue:

  • Use the pip command – You can use `pip` to install the module for you. If your Python installation has been upgraded recently, then this might solve your problem too.
  • Look for a solution on Stack Overflow – There must be someone with exactly same problem as yours who posted their question on Stack Overflow. So search for solutions on that site and see if any of them work out well for you!
  • Find out what version of Python is installed on your system – To do so enter into terminal: python –version

How do I fix a module error?

If you are getting an error message saying that a module is not found, it could be because the package has been installed but not activated. To fix this issue, follow these steps:

  • Install the missing dependency via pip install -r requirements.txt or pip install –upgrade to resolve your problem.
  • If this does not work, try running pip install –upgrade –force-reinstall –ignore-installed to force any existing packages with conflicting names to be uninstalled first before installing the latest version from PyPI (Python Package Index).

How do I install a Python module?

  • Import statement:

Importing a module simply means importing it in the current namespace. This can be done using either the import keyword or from keyword. Both of these have their own advantage and disadvantage. Let’s review them one by one:

  • Import module:

This is the simplest way to import Python modules as you do not need to specify any name for your imported module, but this method can lead to errors when there are multiple modules having same names. For example, if you have two files named and with same functions defined inside them, then you will get an error stating that ‘math_functions’ is not defined when importing from first file into another file because both files contain same functions with different names. In order to avoid such kind of errors we should use different names while importing our modules like so:

import math_functions as mf

from math_functions import *

from math_functions import mf as _mf


We hope this article helped you solve the problem of Python module not found error and install any modules. If you are still facing any issues then please leave us a comment down below and we will surely help you out with your query.

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