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How to sell on Depop: A step by step guide

How To Sell On Depop
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Written by allglobalupdates

Depop is a fast-growing app that’s especially popular among teens and 20-somethings. It’s a great place to sell your clothes, shoes, bags and other fashion items. But it’s not just for those selling clothing! You can also sell other types of products like music, books or even electronics. If you want to learn about how exactly it works and start making money off of your stuff, read on!

Depop is a mobile app that allows sellers to sell their items in a marketplace. It has been growing exponentially and has gained popularity for its quick and easy process of selling items. It is also a great place to find unique items from different places around the world.

One of the most popular features of Depop is that it enables buyers and sellers to interact with each other through the app, making it an interactive experience.

On this platform, you can buy and sell new or used clothes, shoes, accessories, furniture, books and more!

How To Sell On Depop

How To Sell On Depop

In this article we will provide you with some tips on how to make your first sale on Depop!

What is Depop?

Depop is an online marketplace for buying and selling fashion, with users from all over the world.

You can buy and sell vintage clothing, shoes, accessories and more on Depop, or use it to find items for your wardrobe that you love. From vintage dresses to art prints – if it’s fashion-related we want to know about it!

Depop is also a great place to get into the world of buying pre-loved items (or even sell them yourself). We’re huge fans of our community here at Depop HQ so we really do encourage everyone who uses our app to be respectful of each other…and have fun!

Who’s Depop for?

You don’t have to be a fashionista or even a shopper to enjoy Depop. It’s a great app for anyone who likes to buy and sell second hand clothes and accessories, take photos of their outfits and share them with their friends, and/or browse through beautiful images of real people wearing cool stuff. So if you’re looking for an easy way to make some extra money—or just want to see what your friends are wearing in their daily lives—you’ll want to download it!

How to sell on Depop

There are two ways to sell on Depop:

  • Sell your own items. If you have something that you no longer want, or if you’re planning on buying something for yourself and want to get rid of the item first, then this option is the one for you! You’ll be able to set a price for your items and then list them as “Buy It Now” (which means they’ll be sold immediately), or as “Auction,” where they’ll be available for 48 hours or until someone buys them at the current highest bid.
  • Sell other people’s items. If someone else has an item that they’d like to sell, but doesn’t have time or energy to post it themselves, then they can also use Depop’s selling feature by creating a listing with all of their information such as date and location (to help buyers find them). They can choose whether their listing is private (meaning only friends will see it) or public (meaning anyone can see it), which makes it easy for people who don’t know each other yet still want access!

How do you sell successfully on Depop?

  • Use a good profile picture
  • Complete your profile
  • Use hashtags
  • Use the bio section to promote your store/brand
  • Be active on the app

How to promote your Depop store

Promoting your Depop store is one of the best ways to increase sales. Here are a few different ways you can promote your shop and grow your following:

  • Use hashtags! Hashtags help users find products they’re interested in, so be sure to include them in product descriptions and tags. For example, if you’re selling an item that’s similar to another item someone else listed on Depop, include a hashtag like #similaritem or #relateditem so that people who like the other item will see yours.
  • Use “shop” functionality! The “shop” button allows you to browse through other sellers’ shops from within their own listings (you have to click through first). This gives potential buyers more opportunities for discovery—and means more views for everyone! Of course, this only works if sellers are actively engaging with their customers via direct messaging or commenting on photos; otherwise there won’t be much activity going on in their shops at all times of day/night which makes them less likely to show up when someone does want something specific from those shops.”

How do you sell on Depop like a pro?

There are a few ways to sell on Depop like a pro.

  • Focus on the quality of your product. If you want people to buy from you, make sure that it’s something special and unique that not everyone has. This will help entice buyers and make them more willing to pay for what you’re selling.
  • Get a good camera for taking photos of your products. You can use an iPhone or any other smartphone camera, but if you want high-quality photos then consider investing in something better like an SLR digital camera or even an action camcorder (for when it comes time to film video).
  • Use hashtags! Hashtags help people find others who have similar interests as them so they can connect with them through social media platforms such as Instagram – which is where Depop lives! The best hashtag strategy depends entirely on how well-known those tags are within their respective communities; if they’re already popular among users then there’s no need do much advertising because chances are someone will already be following them when looking up topics related specifically towards fashion items being sold by independent designers/makers like yourself.”

Get the most out of your profile

Your profile is your shop window. It’s the first thing potential buyers will see when browsing Depop, so make sure that it’s clear and concise. The more information you can include in your description, the better:

  • Be clear about what you’re selling: If it’s not obvious from the photo or title, say so in the description. (For example “I’ll swap this for a size small.” Or “This top is pre-owned.” Or “Only selling as part of a bundle.”)
  • Be clear about what you’re not selling: If there are any specifics around what’s up for sale (for example, where it might have been worn), mention them here too! (For example: “Brand new with tags.” Or: “Never worn.”)
  • Be clear about your brand: Make sure everyone knows who made this beautiful item by including some info about yourself—your name or username at least—in your profile bio section below your pictures.
  • Be clear about how much items cost: Whether you charge per item or offer bundles, spell out exactly how much things cost and provide links to similar items if possible (this makes it easier for potential buyers).

Is selling on Depop easy?

Yes, selling on Depop is easy. You can sell whatever you want, whenever you want. No need to wait for the right time or sit through a long process to list something else. Just add your item and choose how much you want to sell it for, and then you’re done!

Not only that, but it’s also much easier than other platforms like eBay or Poshmark because they require more effort (and sometimes money) in order to sell items. On Depop there are no fees charged so there won’t be any hidden charges taking money out of your pocket every month as well as monthly storage fees if you don’t ship out items quickly enough each month.”

Pitch your products

As a seller, it is important to remember that your product has to stand out in the crowd. If you have something that is unique or different from your competitor’s offerings, this will help. If you can find similar products on Depop and they are priced higher than yours, make sure you price yours competitively.

If there are multiple sellers selling the same item as you, make sure yours is better quality than theirs so that people choose yours over theirs. This is easy if there are photos of what the product looks like so customers can compare them side-by-side; however it’s still possible even when there aren’t pictures available because sellers include descriptions about their items when listing them for sale on Depop!

How do I get my first sale on Depop?

The first step to getting your first sale on Depop is making sure your product is in good condition. If you have one of those five-pairs-of-silk-stockings, or perhaps a handbag that’s seen better days, it’s probably best to consider selling them elsewhere.

If the product is in good condition, then packaging it well is essential for getting buyers interested and willing to purchase from you. You can package the item with tissue paper or bubble wrap; just make sure not to damage any part of it during transit! It’s also worth mentioning that shipping costs are calculated at checkout so always bear this in mind when pricing out products.

The next thing to consider when selling on Depop is whether or not your product is priced competitively with similar offerings across different platforms such as eBay and Shopify stores (which we’ll cover in more depth later). Prices should reflect both current trends and demand while still being competitive enough so that profit margins aren’t too thin – otherwise no one will buy them!

The last thing we want anyone reading this post thinking about right now: don’t forget about proper tagging techniques! Make sure everything related specifically

Get the word out about your Depop store

We know, we know: you’re not a social media mastermind. But guess what? That’s okay! As long as you have a Facebook account (and some energy left in your brain), then you can easily get the word out about your Depop store using just a few simple steps and hashtags.

Take advantage of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to promote your store by sharing posts about it on a regular basis. You can also use hashtags to connect with other users who have similar interests and make connections that could lead to sales. If someone looks at one of your items and likes it, they might just share it on their own feed or with their friends who may be interested in purchasing an item like yours!

Another way to get noticed is by doing a hashtag search—this allows users who want something specific (like shoes) but don’t want anything too pricey will see all items related within this category which makes browsing easier since everyone knows what they’re looking for right away! The same goes for finding similar stores; simply type in “similar” followed by whatever genre/category/etcetera that applies best here—and voila! You’ve got yourself some recommendations from people who’ve already been successful doing this same thing themselves before now 🙂

You can make money selling on Depop.

[This section discusses ways you can make money from your clothes, from your hobbies, from your interests and passions. You can use this as a template for the other sections.]
  • Selling on Depop is a great way to make money from clothes that you don’t wear anymore. If you’re looking for new wardrobe ideas, check out – it’s an online community where fashion lovers share their outfits with each other!


So, now that you know how to sell on Depop, get out there and make some money! There are so many great things about this app and platform, including the fact that it’s free to use. If you’re looking for a fun way of making some extra cash or just want something new in your life, then take what we’ve learned from today’s lesson and go forth into selling greatness!

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All global Updates was established in 2017, and since then we have developed into a renowned group of passionate Content Creators. We concentrate on newsworthy topics in the fields of Finance, Tech, education, Business, Careers, entertainment, and sports. We also create captivating human interest stories and informative content.

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