Majina Ya Walioitwa Kwenye Usaili TRA 2022 Call For Interview;- in This Post You Will Find Full List Ya Majina walioitwa Usaili wa TRA 2022, TRA Names Call For Interview.
Majina Ya Walioitwa Kwenye Usaili TRA 2022
The Tanzania Revenue Authority has announced the names of the candidates shortlisted for the first round interview which will take place on 5 March 2022. If you have recently applied for job opportunities announced by the Tanzania Revenue Authority through the Government Recruitment Portal (Ajira Portal), you can check if you have been selected for an interview from a list of Candidates selected from the document below.
TRA core values are a handful of moral boundaries within which TRA operates. They define TRA’s personality and are ethical standards by which TRA would be measured. The values are a commitment to the stakeholders and are incorporated into all actions taken by the organization.
Full List Ya Majina walioitwa Usaili wa TRA
Here you will find everything you need to know about the TRA interview schedule and we will provide you with more TRA opportunities and interview tips.
Call For Interview at Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) 2022 The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) was established by Act of Parliament No. 11 of 1995, and started its operations on 1st July 1996. In carrying out its statutory functions, TRA is regulated by law, and is responsible for administering impartially various taxes of the Central Government.
Kuitwa kwenye usaili TRA 2022

Majina Ya Walioitwa Kwenye Usaili TRA
The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) was established by Act of Parliament No. 11 of 1995, and started its operations on 1st July 1996. In carrying out its statutory functions, TRA is regulated by law and is responsible for administering impartially various taxes of the Central Government.

Walioitwa kwenye Usaili TRA 2022
tangazo la kuitwa kwenye usaili – Ajira