A Comprehensive Guide to AFFF Lawsuits and How Legal Counsel Can Help

Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) has long been hailed as an effective tool in combating challenging fires, especially those involving liquid fuel. However, recent years have witnessed a surge in lawsuits against AFFF manufacturers due to the health risks associated with exposure to its toxic components.

These lawsuits, filed by individuals, municipalities, and water supply companies, underscore a growing concern regarding the long-term impacts of AFFF on human health. In this article, we will explore AFFF lawsuits, the legal counsel’s role, eligibility, litigation process, settlements, and advocacy for policy changes.

Understanding AFFF Lawsuits

The AFFF lawsuit has gained momentum due to growing awareness of the risks associated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) found in firefighting foam. ConsumerNotice.org states that as of April 2024, there were 7,738 pending AFFF lawsuits in the U.S. District Court of South Carolina.

According to TorHoerman Law, attorneys play a pivotal role in helping individuals navigate the complexities of these lawsuits. They assist clients in understanding the legal grounds for their claims, which often include allegations of negligence and failure to warn by AFFF manufacturers. 

By offering guidance and expertise, legal professionals empower plaintiffs to pursue justice and hold those responsible for the harm caused by AFFF exposure accountable.

Identifying Eligibility and Grounds for Lawsuits

Determining eligibility to file an AFFF lawsuit involves assessing exposure history and resulting health conditions. Firefighters, military personnel, and community residents who have been exposed to AFFF may be eligible to seek legal recourse. 

According to AboutLawsuits, legal counsel evaluates eligibility for individuals like firefighter Lon Holliday, Jr., who claims that he developed bladder cancer from AFFF exposure. They assess exposure history and medical evidence to determine eligibility for AFFF lawsuits. This helps ensure plaintiffs have a strong legal basis for their claims.

Grounds for lawsuits typically revolve around claims of inadequate warning about the health risks associated with PFAS exposure. Legal professionals carefully analyze each client’s circumstances to establish a strong legal basis for their claims. This allows them to make sure that they have the best chance of success in court.

Initiating Legal Proceedings

Legal counsel guides clients through the process of initiating legal proceedings, starting with filing complaints and participating in multidistrict litigation (MDL) or individual suits. The AFFF MDL includes claims from multiple states and water supply companies seeking compensation for filtering PFAS chemicals out of drinking water. 

By assisting clients in preparing and submitting necessary documentation correctly, legal professionals ensure that plaintiffs’ cases are properly presented before the court. This sets the stage for a successful legal action. This proactive approach helps expedite the litigation process and increases the likelihood of achieving favorable outcomes for plaintiffs.

Negotiating Settlements

Bloomberg reports that in June 2023, 3M, a major AFFF manufacturer, offered a $10 billion settlement in an attempt to resolve litigation. Legal counsel plays a critical role in negotiating settlements on behalf of their clients affected by AFFF exposure. 

They engage in discussions with defendants, leveraging their legal expertise and knowledge of the case to advocate for fair compensation. Settlement negotiations may encompass various factors, including medical expenses, lost wages, and potential future health implications. 

By advocating for their client’s best interests, legal professionals seek to achieve favorable outcomes while holding manufacturers accountable for the harm caused by AFFF.

Representing Clients in Court

In cases where settlements cannot be reached, legal counsel represents clients in court proceedings, including hearings and trials. They meticulously prepare evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and argue legal points to secure favorable judgments. 

In the first bellwether trial against 3M, legal professionals represented water supply companies and the City of Stuart, Florida. They presented evidence of AFFF contamination and its adverse effects during the trial. By skillfully advocating for their client’s rights in court, legal counsel aims to achieve justice and accountability for the harm caused by AFFF exposure.

Providing Ongoing Legal Support

Throughout the litigation process, lawyers offer continuous support to their clients, addressing concerns, providing updates on case developments, and offering guidance. They ensure that clients feel informed and empowered as they navigate the complexities of AFFF lawsuits. 

For instance, legal professionals involved in the AFFF lawsuits against foam manufacturers provide ongoing updates on the progress of MDL and individual cases. By maintaining open communication and offering reassurance, legal counsel helps alleviate the stress and uncertainty often associated with legal proceedings. This allows clients to focus on their health and well-being.

Advocating for Policy Changes

Beyond individual cases, legal counsel may advocate for policy changes aimed at regulating the use of AFFF and protecting public health. They collaborate with lawmakers, advocacy groups, and regulatory bodies to implement stricter regulations on PFAS and promote greater transparency within the firefighting foam industry. 

For instance, legal professionals involved in AFFF lawsuits may support legislative initiatives to ban or restrict the use of PFAS-containing foams. By advocating for meaningful policy changes, lawyers contribute to broader efforts to safeguard public health and the environment from the harmful effects of AFFF.


Who manufactures AFFF?

Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) is manufactured by various companies, including 3M, DuPont, Kidde-Fenwal, and others. These manufacturers produce firefighting foam containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which have been the subject of lawsuits due to health concerns.

What is AFFF contamination?

AFFF contamination refers to the presence of PFAS, toxic chemicals found in firefighting foam, in the environment. This contamination occurs when AFFF is used to extinguish fires, leading to PFAS entering the soil, groundwater, and potentially drinking water sources.

Is AFFF foam being phased out?

Yes, there is a global push to phase out PFAS-containing AFFF due to environmental and health concerns. Alternatives are being sought to mitigate PFAS contamination and its associated risks.

In conclusion, the surge in AFFF lawsuits highlights the pressing need for accountability and regulatory reform concerning PFAS exposure. Legal counsel’s pivotal role in guiding affected parties through litigation, advocating for policy changes, and seeking justice is evident. 

As settlements are negotiated and court proceedings progress, ongoing support from legal professionals remains essential. These lawsuits serve as a catalyst for broader discussions on environmental protection and public health. They emphasize the necessity of proactive measures to prevent and address AFFF contamination for the well-being of current and future generations.