Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Romance Guide: Date Each Character with Ease

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a remake of the 1997 classic Final Fantasy 7. The game features updated graphics, new gameplay mechanics, and enhanced storytelling. One of the most memorable moments from the original game was the date scene at the Gold Saucer, where players could choose to go on a date with one of the game’s main characters. In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players can once again date their favorite characters, but the process is a bit different than in the original game.

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players can date six different characters: Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Barret, Red XIII, and Cait Sith with Vincent and Cid being excluded. Each character has their own unique personality and backstory, and players will need to build their relationship with each character in order to unlock their intimate date scene at the Skywheel.

The process of building relationships with each character is different, and players will need to pay attention to each character’s likes and dislikes to increase their relationship level.

Character Romance Overview

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth offers multiple character romance options for players to explore. The game mechanics have changed since the original 1997 release, with the addition of an “Affection Points” system that tracks the player’s relationship with each character.

Understanding Affection Points

Affection Points are earned through various actions, such as completing character-specific quests, making certain dialogue choices, and giving gifts. These points determine the level of intimacy between the player and the character, which ultimately affects the romantic outcome of the game.

It is important to note that not all characters have the same requirements for earning Affection Points. Some characters may respond positively to gifts, while others may prefer specific dialogue choices. Players should pay attention to each character’s likes and dislikes to maximize their Affection Points.

Character-Specific Quests

Each character has their own set of quests that players must complete to earn Affection Points. These quests provide insight into the character’s backstory and personality, as well as offer opportunities for the player to strengthen their relationship.

For example, Aerith’s quest involves finding flowers for her mother’s memorial. Completing this quest not only earns Affection Points but also shows Aerith that the player cares about her and her family.

Tifa’s quest, on the other hand, involves helping her run her bar. This quest allows the player to interact with Tifa in a more personal setting and earn Affection Points through dialogue choices.

Overall, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth offers a unique and engaging romance system that allows players to explore different character relationships. By understanding the Affection Points system and completing character-specific quests, players can unlock romantic outcomes and deepen their connection with their favorite characters.

Dating Each Character

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth allows players to date various characters throughout the game. Each character has their own unique personality and backstory, making the dating experience different for each one. In this section, we will explore how to date Tifa, Aerith, Barret, and Yuffie.

Dating Tifa

Tifa is one of the main characters in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and is a potential love interest for Cloud. To date Tifa, players must focus on building their relationship with her throughout the game. This can be done by choosing certain dialogue options and completing side quests that involve Tifa.

Once players have built up enough relationship points with Tifa, they will have the opportunity to go on a date with her at the Gold Saucer.

Dating Aerith

Aerith is another main character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and is also a potential love interest for Cloud. To date Aerith, players must focus on building their relationship with her throughout the game. This can be done by choosing certain dialogue options and completing side quests that involve Aerith. Once players have built up enough relationship points with Aerith, they will have the opportunity to go on a date with her at the Gold Saucer.

Dating Barret

Barret is a tough and gruff character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and is also a potential love interest for Cloud. To date Barret, players must focus on building their relationship with him throughout the game.

This can be done by choosing certain dialogue options and completing side quests that involve Barret. Once players have built up enough relationship points with Barret, they will have the opportunity to go on a date with him at the Gold Saucer.

Dating Yuffie

Yuffie is a spunky and energetic character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and is also a potential love interest for Cloud. To date Yuffie, players must focus on building their relationship with her throughout the game. This can be done by choosing certain dialogue options and completing side quests that involve Yuffie. Once players have built up enough relationship points with Yuffie, they will have the opportunity to go on a date with her at the Gold Saucer.

Overall, dating each character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth requires players to focus on building their relationship with that character throughout the game. By choosing certain dialogue options and completing side quests, players can build up enough relationship points to go on a date with their chosen love interest at the Gold Saucer.