
Maria Thun LinkedIn: Full Wikipedia Details of Rose Thun’s Daughter

Maria Thun is the daughter of Rose Thun, a former Member of European Parliament (MEP), and the late Jacek Woźniakowski, a Polish nobleman and a professor at the Catholic University of Lublin. Maria Thun is widely recognized for her work in various fields, including business, academia, and NGOs, and has held a range of positions from researcher to board member.

Thun’s professional experience is extensive and varied. She has worked as a member of the programme board and a client partner at IBM, where she was involved in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Thun has also served as an international CSR consultant and as the former director of IBM Corporate Citizenship EMEA. In addition, she is an honorary member of CSR Europe and an advisory board member of the United Nations Development Programme’s International Centre for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD).

Thun’s achievements and contributions to society have earned her a prominent place in the public eye, and her name is frequently mentioned in various media outlets. This article explores the full Wikipedia details of Maria Thun’s life and career, shedding light on her accomplishments and providing readers with a deeper understanding of her work.

Maria Thun: Early Life and Education

Maria Thun was born in April 1922 near Malburg, Germany. Her father was a farmer who used to observe the evening and morning sky for several days before he sensed the time for sowing had come and the fields would be prepared. Maria Thun and her siblings took part in the farm work, which gave her an early appreciation for the cycles of nature and the importance of agriculture.

Thun received her education in Germany, where she studied horticulture and agriculture. After completing her studies, she began working as a biodynamic farmer and researcher, focusing on the effects of the moon, planets, and stars on biodynamic agriculture. She became a pioneer in the field of biodynamic agriculture and went on to publish several books on the subject, including “The Biodynamic Sowing and Planting Calendar” and “The Biodynamic Yearbook.”

Thun’s work in biodynamic agriculture has had a significant impact on the agricultural industry. Her research has shown that biodynamic farming practices can help to improve soil fertility, increase crop yields, and reduce the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Today, biodynamic agriculture is practiced in many countries around the world, and Thun’s legacy continues to inspire new generations of farmers and researchers.

Professional Journey and LinkedIn Presence

Career Beginnings and Milestones

Maria Thun is a prominent figure in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainability. She started her career in 1990 as a project manager at the Catholic University of Lublin, where she worked on various research projects related to environmental protection and sustainable development. She then moved on to work as a program manager at the Polish Environmental Partnership Foundation, where she managed a number of environmental initiatives and projects.

In 2000, Maria joined IBM as a Corporate Citizenship Manager for Poland and the Baltics. During her tenure, she led a number of successful projects focused on environmental sustainability, community development, and education. Her contributions to the field of corporate social responsibility were recognized by the European Commission, which awarded her the European CSR Award in 2012.

LinkedIn Profile Insights

Maria Thun’s LinkedIn profile provides a glimpse into her professional journey and accomplishments. Her profile highlights her experience in corporate social responsibility and sustainability, as well as her expertise in project management, stakeholder engagement, and strategic planning. She also lists her education, including a Master’s degree in Environmental Protection from the Catholic University of Lublin.

In addition to her professional experience, Maria’s LinkedIn profile showcases her passion for sustainability and community development. She shares articles and insights on these topics, and is actively involved in various sustainability initiatives and organizations.

Influence and Contributions

Maria Thun has made significant contributions to the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainability. She has led numerous initiatives and projects focused on environmental sustainability, community development, and education. Her work has been recognized by various organizations, including the European Commission and the United Nations.

Maria’s influence extends beyond her professional accomplishments. She is an active member of various sustainability organizations and initiatives, and is a frequent speaker at conferences and events. Her insights and expertise are highly regarded in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

Overall, Maria Thun’s professional journey and LinkedIn presence demonstrate her commitment to sustainability and community development. Her contributions to the field of corporate social responsibility have made a significant impact, and her insights and expertise continue to inspire and influence others in the field.

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