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Kevin Steven Salim LinkedIn: Complete Details on Instagram Account

Kevin Steven Salim is a businessman who has recently made headlines due to his involvement in a car accident on October 23, 2023. As a result of the incident, his LinkedIn profile has gained significant attention from the public and media. Many individuals are curious to explore the complete details of his LinkedIn account to gain insight into his professional life.

Salim is a 28-year-old who studied at Singapore Management University. His LinkedIn profile indicates that he is a businessman, and he has worked on several big projects for his company. However, his account is currently inactive after the accident. Despite this, individuals are still interested in exploring his profile to gain a better understanding of his professional background and accomplishments.

Fortunately, individuals can also explore Salim’s Instagram account to gain further insight into his personal life. His account has several posts, including pictures of his travels, hobbies, and interests. By exploring both his LinkedIn and Instagram accounts, individuals can gain a comprehensive view of Salim’s life and accomplishments.

Kevin Steven Salim: A Brief Overview

Kevin Steven Salim is a 28-year-old businessman who studied at Singapore Management University. He gained public attention after being involved in an accident on October 23, 2023, where a car he was driving hit a woman who was sitting on a motorcycle by the side of the road in Kembangan, Jakarta Barat. The victim was hospitalized and in a coma.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Kevin Steven Salim has experience in the field of molecular diagnostics. He has shared his expertise by conducting a lunch and learn seminar for the TalentKraft team. In his post, he expressed that he enjoyed sharing his knowledge with others.

However, his LinkedIn account is currently inactive after the accident. The accident has caused public outrage, and Kevin Steven Salim has been identified as the suspect of the hit-and-run case. The police reported that he fled the scene of the accident after hitting the victim.

The car involved in the accident is a Fortuner with plate number B 2601 BUQ. Kevin Steven Salim has not made any public statements after the accident. The investigation is ongoing, and more information may be revealed in the future.

Exploring Instagram Account

Kevin Steven Salim’s social media account, LinkedIn, is currently inactive after the accident. However, his Instagram account is still accessible. In this section, we will explore his Instagram account and analyze his profile and content strategy.

Profile Analysis

Kevin Steven Salim’s Instagram profile is public and can be accessed by anyone. His username is @kevinstevensalim, and he has over 5,000 followers. His profile picture is a selfie, and his bio reads “Entrepreneur | Traveler | Foodie.”

Looking at his posts, it is evident that he is passionate about traveling and exploring new places. He has shared pictures and videos from various countries, including Japan, Australia, and the United States. His posts also show that he enjoys trying out different cuisines and visiting popular tourist attractions.

Content Strategy

Kevin Steven Salim’s content strategy on Instagram is focused on travel and food. He posts pictures and videos of his travels, the food he tries, and the places he visits. His posts are visually appealing and showcase his experiences in a creative and engaging way.

In terms of frequency, he posts on average once a week. He uses relevant hashtags in his posts, such as #travel, #foodie, and #wanderlust, to reach a wider audience. He also interacts with his followers by responding to their comments and sharing their posts on his Instagram stories.

Overall, Kevin Steven Salim’s Instagram account provides a glimpse into his interests and passions. His content strategy is focused on travel and food, and he uses his platform to share his experiences with his followers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kevin Steven Salim’s Instagram handle?

Kevin Steven Salim’s Instagram handle is currently unknown. His account is currently inactive after the accident on October 23, 2023.

What information can be found on Kevin Steven Salim’s LinkedIn account?

Kevin Steven Salim’s LinkedIn account provides information about his professional background and education. According to his profile, he studied at Singapore Management University and is a businessman. He has not listed any current or past job positions on his profile.

How can I explore complete details of Kevin Steven Salim’s Instagram account?

As Kevin Steven Salim’s Instagram account is currently inactive, it is not possible to explore any further details.

What is the relevance of Kevin Steven Salim’s Instagram and LinkedIn accounts?

The relevance of Kevin Steven Salim’s Instagram and LinkedIn accounts is currently unknown. However, his LinkedIn account provides information about his professional background and education.

What are some notable achievements or experiences listed on Kevin Steven Salim’s LinkedIn profile?

Kevin Steven Salim’s LinkedIn profile does not list any notable achievements or experiences.

What can be inferred about Kevin Steven Salim from his Instagram and LinkedIn accounts?

It is difficult to infer anything about Kevin Steven Salim from his Instagram and LinkedIn accounts, as his Instagram account is currently inactive and his LinkedIn profile does not provide much information about his career or personal life.

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