Check CSIR Bursary Application Status 2024/2025

Check CSIR Bursary Application Status 2024/2025, science has had a critical role to play in contributing towards societal progress and prosperity. Organizations such as the CSIR have an important role to play in advancing science and innovation.

Check CSIR Bursary Application Status 2024/2025

Armed with some of the best minds in the world, we work on trying to solve problems that can help all South Africans. The CSIR hereby invites applications from students wishing to pursue a career in research, technology development, and innovation as well as corporate/support areas.

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Track Csir Application Status | Csir Bursary Application Status 2024/2025

To Track The Status Of An Existing Application, Please Provide Us With Your Id/passport Number Along With Your Relevant “application Id” (This Would’ve Been Emailed To You When You Initially Completed Step 1 Of The Application Process).

webpage CSIR Bursary Application Status

Where can I find my Application Id?

Your Application Id is the key used to identify your application.

To find your Application Id, please refer back to the email that was sent to you after completing Step 1. This email would have been sent to the email address you provided on step 1.

If you can not find this email in your inbox, please check your promotions or spam folder and remember to mark it as “not spam” to prevent any future communications from us landing in the incorrect folder.