Error: cannot open .git/fetch_head: Permission denied

Error: cannot open .git/fetch_head: Permission denied;-git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied” error occurs when you try to pull code from a remote repository when the . git/ directory in your project folder is inaccessible to your current user. To solve this error, make sure that your current user has read-write privileges to the Git repository with which you are working.

Error: cannot open .git/fetch_head: Permission denied (publickey).

In order for me to start working on this project, I need to be able to clone it onto my local machine using git. What could be causing this error and how can I fix it?

The error could be due to

The error could be due to the following reasons:

  • You might not have access to the .git folder. To change this, you will have to get your user account’s owner (the person who created that specific user account) and grant him/her write permissions on the .git folder.
  • If your git folder is already a group or world readable, then it is possible that you are trying to create too many files in there which in turn causes an error when trying to read from them. This can be solved by making sure that only one file gets created at any given time inside of that directory.

Solution for fix this

  • Open a terminal window.
  • Type the following commands, one at a time:

sudo chown -R `whoami`.git

sudo chmod -R g+w .git

Fix this!

If you’re on Windows, use the command prompt to change the permissions on the .git folder.

Run an elevated PowerShell window by right-clicking on your desktop and selecting Run as Administrator from the context menu. In that window, type this command:

set-itemproperty -path “C:\Users\[username]\.git” -name core.worktree -value ~/Documents/Repos/.git

Visual Studio Error Cannot Open .git/fetch_head Permission Denied

If you’ve ever worked with Git, you probably know that every time you make a change to your local repository, it’s not just the files in that repo that are updated. Behind the scenes, Git manages something called a remote repository for each of your projects.

If you’re using Visual Studio on Windows and get this error when trying to fetch the latest code from GitHub or another external service:

Error: cannot open .git/fetch_head: Permission denied

Then it’s likely because Visual Studio is looking for those files in a system directory instead of where they’re actually stored on disk.

Error Cannot Open .git/fetch_head Permission Denied Windows

  • The first thing to check is the permissions of your .git folder and its files. The file permissions should be set so that only you have access to them, and no other users or groups do. You can set them by right-clicking on the file in Windows Explorer and choosing Properties, then going to Security and Advanced. In Advanced, choose “Edit” under Full Control, then add yourself (or whoever needs access) as an owner.
  • If that didn’t work, try checking the permissions of .git/fetch_head – if it’s owned by a user other than yourself (you can check this by right-clicking on it in Windows Explorer and choosing Properties), set it so that only yourself has access

Error Cannot Open .git/fetch_head Permission Denied Ec2

The error could be due to:

  • The permissions on the working tree are too restrictive.
  • There’s a problem with your credentials, or you don’t have Git installed on your machine.

Solution for fix this!

1- Open the terminal and go to the directory where your repository is located using cd command (example: cd /Users/you/projects/myproject)

2- Check if you have write permissions for this directory by running ls -la command in it (see image below). If everything is good then you should see something like drwxrwxr-x in front of each file and directory which indicates that all files and directories are owned by user named “you”.

This means that user named “you” has read and write permissions on all files and directories inside this directory as well as its subdirectories (subfolders). But if there’s any other owner than user named “you”, then we’ll need to change ownership so that user named “you” has full control over all files & folders inside this directory.

Error Cannot Open Git Fetch_head No Space Left On Device

If you’re getting an error that says “Cannot open .git/fetch_head: Permission denied”, it means that your repository is out of space. This can happen if you have a lot of commits, but don’t want to lose any of them.

To fix this problem, we recommend deleting some commits or branches from your repository until there is enough space left on the disk. You could also clone the repository to another machine with more free space and then copy back over only the most recent data into your existing repo.

Bundle Install Error Cannot Open Git Fetch_head: Permission Denied

Error: cannot open .git/fetch_head: Permission denied

This error can occur when you have installed git with an incorrect path and it cannot find the files. Try checking the path or reinstall your copy of git.


In this article, we have discussed the reason why you may get a “cannot open .git/fetch_head: Permission denied” error in Visual Studio and how to fix it.