Bolding In Css: A Guide to Using Font-Weight

Bolding In Css: A Guide to Using Font-Weight;- The ability to make text bold in CSS is useful for marking up headings, emphasizing keywords, and making text stand out. It’s a simple property that can be applied to any element on your website or app. And yet, you may find yourself wondering how to do just that: What exactly does it mean to apply font-weight?

How many different ways can you use it? And what are some common uses for it? We’ll answer all of these questions and more in this guide!

4 Ways to Make Text Bold in CSS

You can use the CSS font-weight property to make text bold or italicize it.

  • To bold text, simply specify a value of 700 for font-weight. This will make the text bolder than normal—but not as heavy as Helvetica Black.
  • To italicize text, specify a value of 400 for font-style. This will make the text more slanted than normal—but not as slanted as Times New Roman Italicized.
  • If you want to combine both effects (bold and italicize) in one property, you can use font-variant like this: .italics {font-variant:small-caps;}

How to Use Font-Weight

Using the font-weight property is simple! To change the weight of your font, simply add a value between 100 and 900 (or 0 to 999) to this property. You can also use percentages instead of points; for example, if you want your text to be twice as thick as it normally is, set the value to 200%.

The higher the number, the thicker your font will be. For example:


font-weight: 300px;


With HTML Tags

The strong tag and the em tag are used to bold text. The b tag is used to create a bolded word or phrase, while i tags are italicized words or phrases.

If you want to bold some text in your HTML document, you can use the tag:


With the P Tag

The first and most simple way to bold text is to use the P tag. That’s right, you can just wrap your words in paragraph tags and they’ll be bolded automatically!

To do this, you will need to add two properties: the font-weight property and its value. The syntax for using these properties looks like this:

p {font-weight: 700;}

With the Div Tag

The tag is used to define sections of content on a page. It works like a word processor’s tab feature, or you can think about it as a visual break in your text in HTML.

The tag can be used for many things, but its most common use is to create distinct sections within a web page layout. It’s also useful for creating division boxes with borders around them, which turns out to be very handy when you want to style those divisions based on their contents or any other condition:

With the Span Tag

You can also use the span tag to wrap text. The span tag is used to insert multiple elements into one HTML element, which makes it perfect for text styling and formatting. For example, if you have a paragraph of copy and want to bold some words without having to create a new tag for each one, you can use the style attribute inside of your paragraph tag that looks like this:

  • p style=”font-weight:bold”>This is what I’m talking about!

This will apply the font-weight property with a value of bold to your entire paragraph (or whatever element contains it).

Customizing Font Weights on Different Breakpoints

As you might have guessed, the font-weight property can be used with media queries. You can use it to change the weight of a text element on different breakpoints. For example:


font-weight: bold;

@media (min-width: 1200px) {

font-weight: normal;



Using font-weight is one of the most common ways you’ll use bold in CSS.

You can use font-weight to make text bold, or even lighter than normal. If you wanted to make an entire paragraph bold, you could do this in CSS:

p { font-weight: bold; }

If you wanted to make a single word bolder, you could do this instead:

p .example { font-weight: 200; }

How do you write bold in CSS?

You can write bold in CSS in several ways. The simplest is to add the word bold, like this:

font-weight: bold;

However, if you want to specify a font weight greater than normal (which is 400), you’ll need to use one of these options instead:

font-weight: 700; // 700 is 100% more than normal, so it’s equivalent to “bold”

Font weights that are less than normal are lighter than their equivalents and should be used with care because they can easily overpower other elements on the page. The following declarations all have equivalent results when applied in CSS:

How do I make an image bold in CSS?

To make an image bold using CSS, you can use the following properties:

  • font-weight
  • font-style
  • font-variant
  • text-decoration
  • text-transform
  • line-height

Which CSS property is used for bolding the text?

The font-weight property is used to bold the text. If you want to change the default weight of a font, then use this property.

Use of this property can be controlled using values such as: 400, 700, 900 etc..

How do you bold and italicize in CSS?

The simplest way to bold and italicize in CSS is with the font-style property. This can be set to either normal or oblique, depending on whether you want your text to appear normal or italic. Let’s take a look at our example code again:

body {

font-family: ‘Lora’, sans-serif;

font-size: 10em;


p { font-size: 1em; }

h1 { font-weight: 700; }

Our body text has been set up with a sans-serif font named “Lora” and its size set at 10em (10 times the size of our default). The paragraph text has been set up with a default size of 1em (the same as the default for most browsers), while our headline has been given a bold weight using the property font-weight.


In this article, we’ve covered some of the basics of font-weight. You may still have questions about how font-weight works or why it’s important, but if you want to dive deeper into that topic, I encourage you to check out the CSS Font Stack Guide.

It has everything from a quick overview of how fonts work in web design—from basic typography principles like contrast and hierarchy through more advanced stuff like responsive sizing—to best practices for working with different types of typefaces.