Snapchat Scams According to Experts

Snapchat scams are a type of fraud that target users of the popular social media platform. Scammers typically gain access to users’ accounts through data breaches, where they obtain personal information like usernames and passwords. Once they have access to the account, they impersonate the user and target their friends list, usually with the goal of obtaining money or other forms of payment.

Ways to tell if an account is a scam

There are several ways to tell if an account is a scam. One is to check the account’s Snap score, which shows how active they are on the platform. If they claim to be an influencer but only have a few hundred Snap points, it’s likely a scam.

Another way to tell is to look at the Snap map, which shows the user’s real-life location. If the location doesn’t match what they claim in their snap or profile, it’s probably a scam. Additionally, users can run a Google image search on the account’s profile or story photos to see if they were stolen from another site.

Common types of Snapchat scams

There are several common types of Snapchat scams, including the “friend who requires aid with their account” scam, the “fake opportunity to make money” scam, and the “friend in need of money or check cashing” scam. In the first scam, the scammer claims to be a friend who is locked out of their account and asks for the user’s login information.

In the second scam, the scammer uses a compromised account to contact the user and offer a fake opportunity to make money, requiring payment and login information. In the third scam, the scammer uses a friend’s compromised account to ask for money or request the user to cash a fraudulent check.

Avoid falling victim to a Snapchat scam

To avoid falling victim to a Snapchat scam, users should be cautious of unsolicited messages or requests for money or login information, and always be wary of offers that seem too good to be true. Additionally, users should regularly update their passwords and be vigilant about checking their account activity to detect any suspicious activity.