OSIM Login MNMA OSIM Result | Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy Login
OSIM Login MNMA OSIM Result | Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy Login;- We have provided key information about MNMA, The university has academic wings, state-of-the-art labs, world-class sports facilities, amphitheaters, auditoriums, conference rooms, and cutting-edge classrooms.
Check out the whole list of details regarding MNMA OSIM Login and MNMA OSIM Results for every level here.
- Students in the undergraduate,
- graduate, and
- certificate/diploma programs
Tanzania’s Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy is situated in Dar es Salaam, close to the Indian Ocean. It inherited the resources, duties, and reputation of the previous Kivukoni Academy of Social Sciences.
Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy Login Portals
Step: 1 Make an account
To register, enter the institute registration number.
For new students, utilize the registration number they receive by clicking the link that says “Get Your Reg Number” above to register.
Password Guidelines
You must create secure passwords. Password must include a minimum of one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one numeric digit, and one special symbol such as ($,%,*,-,+,=,! ), among others. For instance, the system accepts the strong password combination joHn**2014.
Henry-KHZ19, for instance, is another strong password combination. Nashon, for instance, is a bad password. The system won’t allow you to sign up using this password.
Step: 2 Background data about yourself
Step: 3 Login Step: 4 Instructions for Registration and Payment of T/Fees -:
Note: Assistance and Support Requirements
To learn more, go to http://www.mnma.ac.tz/.