Register on the Employment Services of South Africa database for available jobs

Register on the Employment Services of South Africa database for available jobs;- This website will help. Once you have registered and logged in you will be able to search our database for available positions. Are you an individual that is looking for a learning or work opportunity?

Register on the Employment Services of South Africa database for available jobs

Once you have captured your CV we will help to match you to potential employers.

If this is your first visit please create your profile by clicking the link on the left hand panel ‘REGISTER INDIVIDUAL’.


If you have already registered please log in using the orange block on the top of the right-hand panel.

Good Luck!!

Are you an organisation or agent that has learning or work opportunities and would like to recruit for free from the Department of Labour’s work seeker database?

The duly authorised person acting on behalf of your organisation must register as an Individual first, and once the authorised person logs in he/she will be able to link to your organisation with your UIF reference number.

Your organisation will be able to post opportunities and receive CV’s of matched individuals based on your opportunity criteria.Note: Currently organisation registration service is available to organisations registered with the Unemployment Insurance Fund. Extended registrations are in progress towards organisations that are not registered with the Unemployment Insurance Fund; please stay tuned for improvements.