NECTA Electronic Marking System (E Marking NECTA)

NECTA Electronic Marking System (E Marking NECTA);- NECTA Electronic Marking System (E Marking). NECTA MFUMO WA USAHIHISHAJI WA MITIHANI.

NECTA Electronic Marking System

NECTA has introduced new marking system which is refered as Electronic Marking system (E marking). From pen and paper to onscreen marking, the biggest impact is on educators’ time by reducing administrative work. However, there are other benefits of e-marking for learners as well.

Education Minister Adolf Mkenda says Tanzania Examination Board NECTA has introduced an examination correction system to be known as Electronic Marking System.

NECTA has introduced new marking system

Mkenda said the system will reduce correction and error errors as well as reduce costs. The minister also said that the system will be tested soon

How to Use Electronic Marking system (E marking) 

Using this system, the Checker will find a paper on the laptop, see a paper that he will correct without knowing whose paper it is belong to, see the question he is correcting from here going to other places and later the system connects student marks.

NECTA Electronic Marking System (E Marking)