Motor vehicle Registration procedure TRA Tanzania

Motor vehicle Registration procedure TRA Tanzania;- The registration requires a person to be 18 years and above in order to be registered owner of a motor vehicle, and 14 years and above to be registered as a motorcycle owner. Furthermore, the registration is only for sound mind persons.

Motor vehicle registration procedure

The following documents must be submitted to the TRA office:

  •  Application for motor vehicle registration form (MV 10) properly filled by the applicant
  • Customs declaration: Tanzania Single Administrative Document (TANSAD) and release order
  • Bank Pay in Slip to prove duty paid.
  • A copy of your TIN certificate.
  • Cancellation certificate or registration card (used vehicles)
  • Interpol letter (if the vehicle is imported from a SADC member country)
  • Tax invoice (if vehicle is purchased from local car dealer)

The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) is Government Agency established by the TRA Act Chapter 399 and became operational on 1st July, 1996. Over the years of its existence, the Authority has been conducting its business guided by five-years Corporate Plans.

The plan has aided the Authority to have a common strategic direction in the course of discharging its mandate.

This approach of managing corporate affairs has enabled the Authority to achieve remarkable performance in the mobilization of the Government revenue.


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