Jinsi ya kupata pesa kupitia WhatsApp

Jinsi ya kupata pesa kupitia whatsapp;- WhatsApp is a great way to connect with friends, family and business partners. But did you know that you can also make money using WhatsApp? In this post, we’ll discuss how to use the messaging app for personal branding, sending messages to businesses and creating your own group on WhatsApp.

Jinsi ya kupata pesa kupitia WhatsApp

Send businesses message on WhatsApp

You can also send messages to businesses on WhatsApp. If the business has a public account, you can reach out to them via the messaging feature within WhatsApp. This is similar to sending an email message through LinkedIn or Facebook Messenger, but with a better chance at getting a reply from the company because of its private nature.

For example, if you have an issue with your internet service provider (ISP), then you could message them on their official account and get help much faster than calling customer support or filling out an online form.


Be a personal brand

You are your brand. Be yourself and be a brand that people can trust. Your personality should be consistent across all channels, even if it’s not always perfect. Share your knowledge with others, but don’t pretend that you’re an expert in everything (no one is). Be approachable so people feel comfortable asking questions or making comments on your posts. If someone asks for advice, give them some – it will help them learn something new while also showing them how helpful you are!

When someone needs help with something specific, make sure they know what they’re doing wrong and then offer a solution to fix it – this will show that you care about helping people grow as individuals rather than just getting paid for what little work we do here at WhatsApp Inc..

Be authentic by sharing real-life experiences about topics relevant to potential customers (yes I’m talking about myself again). Being authentic means being genuine when speaking publicly; nothing worse than hearing someone read off of their script because no one likes hearing someone else’s words unless they come from their own mouth!

The best way  to promote yourself through social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram is by creating compelling content like videos/images/articles etcetera instead of simply posting links into unrelated conversations where nobody cares about what you have say anyway since no one knows who wrote those tweets anyway….

Use WhatsApp Status features

WhatsApp Status is a popular feature on WhatsApp, and it can help you to promote your business.

  • Create a catchy WhatsApp Status that will attract people to buy or subscribe to your services.
  • Keep posting updated statuses on a regular basis. This will keep your followers interested in what you have to say and will encourage them to return frequently to see if there has been any new activity.

Join WhatsApp Groups that are active in your niche

Joining WhatsApp groups that are active in your niche will help you build a following and connect with people who want to buy from you. However, joining inactive groups can hurt your business as it will waste your time and energy without any results.

When joining the group, make sure that you understand how conversations flow in the group and participate actively for at least two weeks before sharing anything about yourself or your product/service. If someone asks questions about something related to your niche, provide answers without spamming them with links of products/services offered by businesses like yours.

If a person asks a question related to something that is not related to marketing but has some connection with marketing (like how they should start a blog), share an article or video on starting blogs by experts in the field instead of selling them into buying courses from someone else which might turn them off completely!

Make money by creating WhatsApp group as an Admin

Creating a WhatsApp group as an Admin is one of the best ways to make money on WhatsApp, but it does require some work. You need to be active in the group and you need to be able to engage with members, answer questions and provide value.

You can also promote other services or products in your group, but only if they’re related to your main business or expertise. For example: if you run a fitness blog then you can promote any other fitness training courses that you offer in your main company website!

While making money with WhatsApp is a great opportunity, it is not without potential pitfalls.

While making money with WhatsApp is a great opportunity, it is not without potential pitfalls. The first thing to remember when considering this approach is that you’re going to be sharing your personal information with companies who may or may not be trustworthy. Be sure you know exactly what you are signing up for and read the fine print. Know that this type of work requires a lot of time and effort, so make sure that you have the discipline required to stick with it before investing your time into something new.

In addition, keep in mind that there are no guarantees when working on social media. You might get lucky and find yourself with extra income without much effort on your part or you could fall flat on your face if no one responds well enough to what you’re offering—and unfortunately there isn’t much room in between those two extremes!

I hope this article has helped you in understanding how to make money using WhatsApp. In the end, it is up to you to decide whether or not this opportunity is right for you. If so, then I wish you the best of luck!