How To See Hidden Friends On Snapchat?

Snapchat is a social media platform where you can share snaps and talk to your friends. One of Snapchat’s quirks is the “best friend” list, where it ranks your friends based on how often you interact with them. While these lists are typically publicly visible, there are times when they can be hidden.

If you’re trying to figure out how to see hidden friends on Snapchat, let’s walk through exactly what to do.

Hidden Snapchat
Hidden Snapchat

First, navigate to your Snap Map from the camera page.

First, navigate to your Snap Map from the camera page. You can access it by swiping left and selecting “Explore” on iOS; on Android, swipe right and select “Snap Map” in the top-right corner of your screen.

Once you’re there, you may see that there are no friends who have set their location to “Hidden.” If this is the case, then go back a step and make sure that you have at least one friend who can be found for at least one day of each week (if not more).

Once you’re in your Snap Map, pinch inward with two fingers on the screen.

To see your friends’ locations on Snap Map, you’ll first need to open the app. Then, tap on your profile picture in the upper-left corner of the screen. You’ll see a list of all your contacts who are active on Snapchat at that moment. Tap on one of those people’s names to see their location (or select More Friends at the top right).

You might need to zoom out first by pinching inward with two fingers on your phone’s touchscreen; if so, do so now! When you pinch inward with two fingers on your phone’s touchscreen while looking at someone’s name, they will appear in a smaller window below that same contact’s name in large text.

Tap them again once this happens and then select See Where They’re Snapping from their options menu.*If* this person has hidden friends (and is therefore not sharing his or her location publicly), he or she will also appear here under “Hidden Friends.”

You’ll be able to see where your friends that have location services enabled are on the map.

You’ll be able to see where your friends that have location services enabled are on the map. This is also known as “finding friends on Snapchat.”

If you want to know who has their location services turned off, you can search for them in the People section of the Discover page. If they don’t appear, then they probably have it disabled.

If you have any hidden friends, you’ll see a small smiley face icon under their name at the top of the screen.

To see if you have any hidden friends, open Snapchat and tap the Friends icon at the top of your screen. You’ll see a list of everyone in your friend group. If you want to add someone who isn’t already on your list as a friend, tap their name and select Add Friend from the menu that appears on-screen.

If you have any hidden friends, you’ll see a small smiley face icon under their name at the top of the screen. If they’re not on your current list but have sent you snaps in the past, it will say “Send me snaps.” Just tap their name to send them another message or add them as a new friend!

You can also use this feature to find out who has recently been viewing your snaps by going back into this section under Settings > Account > Security > Who sees my stuff? Here’s how:

Can you have a hidden Snapchat?

You can’t have a hidden Snapchat, because the person sees you when they open the snap.

When someone is hiding, it means they don’t want you to see where they are. You can turn off location services on your phone or tablet if you want to prevent people from seeing where you live, work or travel.

You can only see who has turned on their “hidden” mode if you’ve added them as a friend and have friended them back. If someone is not hiding (they’re public), then everyone will be able to see where they are at all times by opening up Snapchat and viewing their story that has been posted in real time within the last 24 hours.

How do you see peoples hidden Snapchats?

To see your friends’ hidden snaps, simply hold down the ghost icon on the top left of your screen. This will bring up a list of all your friends and their hidden snaps. You may then tap on a friend’s name to see their hidden snaps.

How To Hide Conversations On Snapchat?

To hide a conversation, follow these steps:

  • Tap and hold on the conversation you want to hide.
  • Tap the three dots in the upper right corner and tap “hide conversation.”
  • To unhide a conversation, tap and hold on the conversation you want to unhide.

Top 10 Snapchat Hidden Features

There are a few hidden features on Snapchat that you can use to see who has location services turned off, who has hidden their Snap Map, and more. Here’s how:

  • Go to the Settings screen in Snapchat by swiping down from the top of your screen and tapping “Settings.”
  • Tap on Account > Privacy & Safety > Find Friends Nearby or Find My Friends. This will show you all of your friends who have location services turned on for Snapchat (and none if they don’t). You can check out this article for more info about what it does!
  • In addition, if someone doesn’t have Location Services enabled for Snapchat but still wants some privacy options with their account or needs help setting up their phone so they have access without having to go through too much trouble then here are some simple steps:

a) Open up Settings on your device b) Scroll down until you see “Privacy & Security” c) Tap on Privacy & Security d) Select Location Services e) Make sure everything is enabled f) If not then enable it g

This will tell you who has location services turned off and is therefore hiding their location.

If you’re looking to see who has location services turned off, here’s how:

  • Open Snapchat and tap your profile icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  • Tap the gear icon (or Settings) on this page and select “Snap Map.”
  • Scroll down until you see “Choose Friends” with a list of all your contacts below it, sorted by name or phone number order depending on what you used to add them originally (i.e., if you added someone from their number before adding their name, they’ll be at the top). To view only hidden friends—that is, those who don’t have their location set to public—scroll down past this list until you reach an option saying “Hidden.” Clicking this will display an alphabetical list of all nearby Snappers without shared locations enabled for viewing; these are people whose snaps aren’t being broadcast publicly yet but have been granted access through another friend’s Snap Map account already!


We hope you found this article useful and learned how to see hidden friends on Snapchat. If you were searching for how do you see someones hidden snapchats, hopefully this helped!