Equity Bank – Eazzy-Kikundi Everything To Know

Equity Bank – Eazzy-Kikundi Everything To Know; – Your group needs to be able to reach the next level. . Focus on Investment as Equity Bank –  Work Money Management!

Equity Bank (T) has pledged to continue providing financial and affordable education to investment and economic groups known as Vicoba in order to increase productivity in production and thus increase incomes.

Speaking at the Faith Vicoba Group’s 5th-anniversary celebrations held at the Mbezi Garden Hotel in DSM, Equity Bank Tanzania CEO Esther Kitoka said the bank had introduced a special digital system known as the “Eazzy Group”. ”To facilitate the operation and accountability of these investment groups. “So far Equity Bank has more than 1500 groups with 750 Groups of them integrated into a special digital system namely Eazzy Groups.

Equity Bank – Eazzy-Kikundi Everything To Know

This is our special platform that enables groups to operate digitally by giving all members of the group the ability to see the dynamics of their account (in real-time) through their mobile phones without the need to go to the bank to request a statement.

This is very helpful in maintaining transparency in group operations and thus increasing accountability and reducing unnecessary conflicts. Each transaction you receive through a group account will be accompanied by a notification message for all group members. This will also involve better ways to allow digital transactions without the need for frequent encounters. All things in a bag ”he said.


Only five steps is required to set up the platform and start using it!


Our platform is in a secure environment and all your data is safe.


All-time available support team ready to help you with any question.

Eazzykikundi – What is it?

Eazzykikundi is an easy-to-use solution that is designed and enriched to manage all your Group activities to fostser accountability, transparency and enhance efficiency.

Why use Eazzykikundi?

When it comes to managing your Group finances, one needs a tool that eases the workload, is accurate, secure and accessible.

Financial information stored on Eazzykikundi is done securely ensuring your information is only visible to authorized users.

We are available anywhere 24/7 as long as you have a reliable Internet connection.

Eazzykikundi provides an enterprise-class security architecture that enables your Group account to be integrated with core banking, also designed and engineered for large scale Groups, which possesses high sophistication and great performance

Equity Bank
Equity Bank