Average Salary for Cabin Crew in the UK: What is the Average Salary for Cabin Crew in the UK

Average Salary for Cabin Crew in the UK: What is the Average Salary for Cabin Crew in the UK Cabin crew are responsible for the safety and comfort of passengers on board an aircraft. Depending on the size of the plane and its route, cabin crew can work shifts ranging from five to 11 hours.

Cabin crew are also responsible for preparing and serving food and drinks while in-flight, as well as handling luggage. In this article we explore what is the average salary for cabin crew in the UK?

Average Salary for Cabin Crew in the UK

If you have an interest in flying, cabin crew might be a good choice for you. As a cabin crew member, you will be able to travel all over the world and explore new places. You’ll also make good money doing it!

The average salary for cabin crew in the UK is around £20,000 full time or £10 per hour part time. If your schedule allows it, this could be a great way to earn some extra cash while working on long haul international flights.

What is the average salary for cabin crew in the UK?

The average salary for cabin crew in the UK is £20,000. This means that you will earn an annual income of around £20,000 if you work full time.

On average, most cabin crew members earn around £20,000 per year which is why it’s often referred to as a low-paid job.

Cabin Crew In The Uk
Cabin Crew In The Uk

Cabin crew pay depends on what airline you work for and which country you are based in.

The average salary for cabin crew in the UK is around £20,000 full time. This can vary depending on the airline and country you are based in.

On average, a crew member working for British Airways will earn less than their counterparts who work for Virgin Atlantic or Flybe. However, if you work for Virgin Atlantic or Flybe your pay may be higher than those who work for British Airways.

In addition to this there are other factors that affect your salary such as how many years’ experience you have as well as any qualifications that you might have earned during these years of working as a flight attendant

How much does a First Officer earn?

The first officer is the second-in-command of an aircraft and responsible for its safety. The first officer is responsible for the safety of passengers, crew, and cargo on board.

As a first officer, you will be working under the guidance of a more experienced pilot who has been promoted to captain after years of flying experience. You will be responsible for keeping track of flight plans and completing all necessary paperwork during flights.

How much does a Captain earn?

Cabin crews are responsible for the safety of passengers and all crew members on board.

The captain is the highest-ranking member of the cabin crew, who is ultimately in charge of all aspects of a flight. The captain must also ensure that each member of their crew knows exactly what to do in case anything goes wrong during a flight.

The average salary for cabin crew in the UK is around £20,000 full time.

The average salary for cabin crew in the UK is around £20,000 full time. This is the average salary for UK based cabin crew, but it depends on which airline you work for and which country you are based in. For example, if you work with an American airline then your pay will be higher because they generally offer very good salaries to their staff.

In some cases this can be as high as £30,000 per year! If a British airline employs you then they will have similar payment levels unless they have better benefits such as free flights or accommodation provided by them instead of staying in hotels when on business trips (this does happen).


The average salary for cabin crew in the UK is around £20,000 full time.