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Written by allglobalupdates | Nafasi za kazi serikalini | Utumishi wa Umma| 2020 – 2021/2022 Public Service Recruitment Secretary (PSRS) – Nafasi za Kazi serikalini (Utumishi wa Umma /


What is the Public Service Employment Secretarial (PSRS)?

The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) is a government agency with an independent administration status created specifically to facilitate the recruitment of employees in the public service. The Public Service Employment Trust was established under Public Service Law No. 8 0f 2002 amended by Law No. 18 of 2007 Section 29 (1).

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How to view recently posted vacancies by the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) Tanzania

Please follow the following steps

Go to your web browser using a mobile phone or a computer with internet data turned on
Visit by typing this URL into the search bar / URL at the top of your browser.
Go to the advertisement category / section after opening the site home page.
Search for “Ad” and open the recently linked job posting by the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) in Tanzania

Discover new jobs: Ajira mpya Utumishi (Ajiraportal Tanzania)

Call for jobs in the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) Tanzania-Majina ya waliopangiwa Kazi Serikalini

The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) issues the name of successful interviewing candidates who have passed a competitive process for government jobs across Tanzania. These jobs are those that have been advertised by government institutions, municipalities, city, village and county councils.

Please follow the following steps

Go to your web browser using a mobile phone or a computer with internet data turned on
Visit by typing this URL into the search bar / URL at the top of your browser.
Go to the advertisement category / section after opening the site home page.
Search for “Placements” and open the recently linked Placement Announcement by the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS)

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Majina Ya and yaliyopendekezwa Kazi Sirikaleni

How to offer Majina ya walioitwa kwenye Usahili- Call for an Interview at the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) Tanzania

Please follow the following steps

Go to your web browser using a mobile phone or a computer with internet data turned on
Visit by typing this URL into the search bar / URL at the top of your browser.
Go to the advertisement category / section after opening the site home page.
Search for “Call For Interview” and recently opened a related call for an interview announcement by the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS).

How are the results of the interview issued by the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) presented?

Please follow the following steps

Go to your web browser using a mobile phone or computer with internet data turned on
Visit by typing this URL into the search bar / URL at the top of your browser.
Go to the advertisement category / section after opening the site home page.
Search for “Matokeo ya Usahili” and open the relevant interview result announcement recently by the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) Tanzania

Database (Kazidata): List of job assignments from the PSRS-Walioitwa kazini kutoka kwenye Kanzidata database.

Please follow the following steps

Go to your web browser using a mobile phone or computer with internet data turned on
Visit by typing this URL into the search bar / URL at the top of your browser.
Go to the advertisement category / section after opening the site home page.
Search for “Announcements / Placements” and open the recently linked Placement Announcement by the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS)


This is how you can register in the AJIRA PORTAL application system of the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS).

Please follow the following steps

Go to your web browser using a mobile phone or computer with internet data turned on
Visit by typing this URL into the search bar / URL at the top of your browser or click on it in the link above.
Find this word on the Ajira homepage and click on it. “Sign Up”
Register with your email address and put in new passwords that you can remember when you visit again.
Fill in all required information (basic and academic)
Then search for “vacancies” and start applying government jobs related to your industry.

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About the author


All global Updates was established in 2017, and since then we have developed into a renowned group of passionate Content Creators. We concentrate on newsworthy topics in the fields of Finance, Tech, education, Business, Careers, entertainment, and sports. We also create captivating human interest stories and informative content.

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