In This post You will Find TRA Gateway login & Register Guide Online Order Form for Electronic Transfer of Tax Revenue to Bank of Tanzania (BOT). Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) has been striving to modernize its operations by automating its processes as it is in the Third Corporate Plan.
Basing on this ground it has launched the online TISS order form. The online order form will create convenience to taxpayers not only to access, fill and print the form at their offices but also to ensure that all information filled by the taxpayer reach the TRA office for accurate record keeping. Furthermore the taxpayer will be able to get status online of their payments if they actually reached TRA offices.
The order form will be filled online, printed and signed by authorized signatories. The printed and duly signed order form will be used by the taxpayer to order the Commercial Banks to transfer funds to TRA Commissioner’s Account at the Bank of Tanzania (BOT). The form “Register for Payment” will be available from the Tanzania Revenue Authority website ( under the Do It Online services.
On the initial stages taxpayer will be required to sign up to the system once and for all. The taxpayer will be required to fill in the following information:-
- TaxpayerIdentification Number (TIN)
- Passwordof at least six characters alphanumeric
- PasswordConfirmation
- E-mailaddress of the taxpayer to be used for correspondence including getting acknowledgement, status of payment, getting password, etc. (for example
- Reliable contact mobile telephone numbers, to be used for sendingshort messages (SMS)
- Hint security questions and answers to remind taxpayer about thepassword in case it is
The taxpayer shall then click on Sign Up button to have the account created. At this stage the system will perform validation with regards to some information such as TIN, e-mail address etc. At the completion of the account creation the taxpayer will then be prompted to login into the system using TIN and password registered.
All registered taxpayers will be able to access the system by typing the TIN and password in the login window. The taxpayer will then click on the login button and the system shall authenticate the TIN and password before getting through.
In case the taxpayer has forgotten password the system can assist in remembering the password by clicking the Forgot Password button in Figure 1.
The system will then ask for answer to the security question that was supplied during signing up.
After login the taxpayer will be able to access the following menu on the Payment Registration 1.0:-
- Registermenu
- Deregistermenu
- View
- Report
- Tools
Under the Register Menu, the following will be accessed: Register a Payment for Domestic taxes, Motor Vehicle, Customs and Fuel Levy depending on the tax one wishes to pay.
The menu selected will open for user to fill-in particulars required to register such payments.
User will be required to capture the following:
- Paymenttype (Transfer from my account or direct deposit)
- Nameof Account holder(s) – this is the title of the account from which the funds are transferred
- BankAccount number – this is the account number with the commercial bank from which the funds are transferred
- Nameof the commercial bank – this is the full name of the commercial bank where the account is
- TotalAmount – the actual amount to be This is equivalent to the tax liability to be settled. The system will automatically assign the amount in words on the printed order form.
- Currency– the currency should be Tanzania Shillings (TZS). In case taxpayer pays in United States Dollars (USD) commercial bank shall convert to equivalent TZS using the prevailing exchange
- Value date – This is the transaction date in the format of DD/MM/YYYY. Ifthe order is submitted well in advance of the due date, a date can be entered to indicate when the transfer should be
- To– this is the respective TRA Commissioner’s account name maintained at the BOT to which the funds are
- Theaccount number – this is the respective TRA Commissioner’s account number automatically displayed upon selection of the account
- SwiftCode – this is automatically displayed upon selection of the account
- Taxoffice – this is the TRA office to which the tax liability is
- TIN– This is the TIN to whom tax payment is applicable
- Taxpayer’sname – this is automatically displayed upon filling the TIN
- Rnumber – this is only available when Customs tax offices are selected
- Immediatelyafter the above information, there are four (4) lines allowing the taxpayer to pay up to a maximum of four tax types in one order form. The lines are depicting the following:-
- Typeof tax – this shows a list of taxes depending on tax office selected
- GFScode – this shows Government Finance Statistics codes depending on selected type of taxes
- Amount– the amount payable for the respective tax type
- Periodindicator – this can be debit number, monthly, quarterly and yearly (not applicable to Custom duties)
- Period– this shows the payment period depending on the period indicator selected (not applicable to Custom duties)
- Year– this is the year of payment (not applicable to Custom duties)
- DebitNumber – this the assessment reference number for assessed domestic taxes (not applicable to Custom duties)
The system will automatically assign a Control Number to that transaction. It is this Control Number that should be quoted by Commercial Banks when transferring tax to BOT
The printed order form will be generated and will take the feature as in table 5 below and shall contain the following information:-
Taxpayer may cancel or de register intention to pay due to one reason or another, this will be done through payment de-registration window as shown be
To view submitted order forms, taxpayer will click on the View button. The system will display all submitted order forms for the respective taxpayer showing both submission and payment status. Moreover erroneously filled forms can be deregistered. However, deregistration of order form is not allowed when the printed form has been presented to the commercial bank for fund transfer.
Under a View menu a taxpayer will be able to view all submitted Order Forms –. Deregistration of the Order form can be made in the forms which are not yet presented to their respective commercial banks. The system shall disallow editing of reconciled order forms.
Payment feedback will be submitted back to taxpayer through a registered email or SMS upon receipt of funds in the respective Tax Administration system.
Various reports will be accessed to view all registered payments, deregistered and acknowledged receipts
This command allows the taxpayer to change the password. It is advised to change the password on regular basis. During changing of password, user will be required to supply the old password that he want to change. Such changes will be effected under the following menu.
This command allows the taxpayer to exit the system. User will hit the right top of the screen to Log out.
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