How To Scare Insurance Adjuster?

Scare Insurance Adjuster
Scare Insurance Adjuster

Insurance adjusters are not your friends. Nor are they friends of the law, justice or society in general. Their job is to reduce the amount of money that an insurance company has to pay for a claim. The more claims they deny or minimize, the higher their bonus becomes and the more likely they will receive that promotion to supervisor.

However, when you have been injured in an accident and are facing mounting medical bills and lost wages from missed work, knowing how to handle an insurance adjuster can mean the difference between getting back on track financially and being pushed so far into debt that you may never recover. Here’s what you need to know:

How To Scare Insurance Adjuster?

  • The answer is: don’t scare them.
  • Insurance adjusters are human and want to help you.
  • The adjuster’s job is to settle your claim in a fair and reasonable manner.
  • How can you get the best result from your insurance claim? Talk to a lawyer. Hire a professional negotiator.

The Answer?

  • You are not weak. An insurance adjuster may tell you that they will help you if you just cooperate and answer their questions, but these people have one goal—to pay out as little money as possible to those who have been harmed by the negligence of others. They do this by trying to make you show that your injury was not serious enough for them to pay out any compensation at all (and if they can’t deny it outright, then trying to minimize the amount).
  • Your job is to get the most money possible; theirs is to pay you the least amount they can get away with. It’s a game we all play because our interests don’t align: The more I cry about my injuries and claim emotional distress, the less likely it is that they’ll agree with me and give me what I want. But since insurance companies refuse me coverage based on technicalities like where my car was parked when hit by another driver—not whether or not I really need treatment—these arguments become important. That said…
  • Make them do their job! This is arguably our most powerful weapon against an insurer: making them follow through on their own policies and procedures allows us to highlight how unreasonable their decisions were in light of what’s provided in writing (and also gives us ammunition if there’s ever a lawsuit).

1. You are not weak

  • You are not weak

You can’t let an insurance adjuster bully you, no matter how intimidating they may seem. They want to see you as easy prey because it makes their job easier and more profitable for them. Don’t give them the satisfaction of believing they have power over you because they don’t.

The more knowledgeable you are about the accident and your injuries, the better off you will be in the long run (and the shorter amount of time this process will take).

Gather all evidence possible and write down every detail that comes to mind about what happened during the accident so that it doesn’t get lost during this stressful process.

2. The adjuster is not your friend

  • The adjuster is not your friend.
  • They are there to help their company, not you.
  • They are not there to help your lawyer or the other side’s lawyer.
  • They do not care about the boss who signs their checks or how much money he makes off of them for closing claims early and quickly.

3. Your job is to get the most money possible; theirs is to pay you the least amount they can get away with

Insurance adjusters are people too, and because of this, they can be friendly, caring and nice. But when it comes to your claim, the only thing that matters is how much money you get from them. You need to remember that their job is to pay you as little as possible for your claim, so don’t let them bully you into accepting anything less than what’s fair.

 Scare Insurance Adjuster
Scare Insurance Adjuster

Insurance adjusters also want to do a good job for their company so that they can keep their jobs and make more money in the future. This means that sometimes insurance companies will try to offer you a deal before going through with litigation or arbitration.

They may offer less than what they owe under the law if they think it’s better than risking losing more money later on in court or at arbitration (which could have higher costs).

4. Make them do their job

  • Make them do their job

Let’s be clear, insurance adjusters are not lawyers and they’re certainly not your friend or doctor or therapist or family member. They are there to investigate the damage caused by an accident, determine whether it is covered under your insurance policy and get you started on the road to recovery as quickly as possible.

If you’re having difficulty communicating with your adjuster about how you were injured in the accident, call us at [INSURANCE COMPANY] and we can help guide you through this process.

5. Insurance adjusters are human

You might think that insurance adjusters are a bunch of heartless monsters who will do anything to save their company money. But here’s the secret: they miscalculate, too. They make mistakes, just like you and I. And when they make a mistake on your case, it might be in your favor!

One common mistake insurance adjusters make is underestimating how long it’ll take to repair damage caused by a storm or other natural disaster. Many times, an adjuster will base his estimate on how long it took him or someone else to repair damage after another storm in his area—but what if there were no storms before yours? What if this was the first time something had ever happened?

The adjuster might not have enough data points to accurately predict how long repairs would take, so he may underestimate how much coverage you need for temporary housing costs and other related expenses until your property is back up again. If you can prove that the insurance company made this error (for example by providing evidence from another person’s claim that was settled quickly), then maybe there’s hope for getting more money out of them!

Another common mistake: overvaluing certain assets at replacement cost instead of actual cash value (ACV). If there were pictures hanging on your walls before Hurricane Maria swept through Puerto Rico last September—and those pictures are now gone forever—the insurer will likely classify those items as “destroyed” rather than ACV since they weren’t salvageable after being submerged underwater for weeks without electricity needed

To avoid making any mistakes yourself, try asking questions during meetings with different people at different times so that each individual gets asked all of them before moving onto another topic

If you have been injured in an accident, call a personal injury attorney for help making sure you are treated fairly by the insurance company.

If you have been injured in an accident, call a personal injury attorney for help making sure you are treated fairly by the insurance company.

  • Your attorney will help you get the money you deserve.
  • Your attorney will help you get the medical care you need.
  • Your attorney will help you get the justice that is deserved in this situation.

You can rely on your lawyer to answer all of your questions and guide through this process with confidence and knowledge.


The damage that insurance adjusters can do to your chances of getting compensation for your injuries is almost immeasurable. It is important to hire a personal injury attorney who can protect you from the unfair practices that these agents might attempt to use against you in order to save their company money.

If you have been involved in an accident, contact our office today at (303) 433-4000 and we will start working on your case immediately.

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