How to Learn Programming: 5 Best Websites for Learning Programming or How to Use a Tutorial


Do you want to learn how to program? If yes, this article is for you! There’s a lot of you out there who want to learn how to program but don’t know where to start. Or maybe you’ve been trying to learn programming for a while, but you keep getting stuck on one specific part. Or maybe you have some experience with programming but you want to up your game and become a better programmer.

No matter what your reasons are, I’m sure you’ll benefit from the advice in this article.

I’ll walk you through a step-by-step process on how to learn programming. From learning resources to strategies and much more, this guide will have you programming like a pro in no time!

What is Programming?

Programming is the act of writing software code to solve a specific problem. It is one of the most important skills you can have to become a successful developer, as it is the foundation for all software development.

Programming languages are the method and rules you use to write the code. There are many programming languages to choose from, and the one you pick is up to you. Most companies will have their preferred language, but you can also work with many employers who will allow you to code in whatever language you prefer.


A good way to think about programming is like a recipe. You need to understand the ingredients and how they relate to each other in order to bake a perfect cake. If you pick up a new language and don’t understand the foundational concepts behind it, you might end up with a cake with no flavor. Or worse, you might accidentally bake a cake that has the eggs and milk you were trying to avoid.

Learn Programming Concepts

Before you learn how to code, you need to learn the concepts behind it. That way, when you learn the syntax and language constructs, you’ll have a better foundation to build upon.

Data Types – Data types are the fundamental building blocks of programming. If you don’t understand the data types you’re using, your code is going to be pretty bad. It’s not going to be very reliable, and it won’t do what you want it to do.

  • Data types are the fundamental building blocks of programming. If you don’t understand the data types you’re using, your code is going to be pretty bad. It’s not going to be very reliable, and it won’t do what you want it to do. Variables – You’ll need to understand variables in order to code. Variables are containers that hold data, and they can only hold data of a specific type. Once you use a variable, you need to declare what type of data it is so that the computer knows how to interpret it.
  • You’ll need to understand variables in order to code. Variables are containers that hold data, and they can only hold data of a specific type. Once you use a variable, you need to declare what type of data it is so that the computer knows how to interpret it. Loops – Loops are a very helpful tool in programming. You can use them to store data or perform simple operations multiple times.
  • Loops are a very helpful tool in programming. You can use them to store data or perform simple operations multiple times. Conditions – Conditions are another important concept to understand. They’re used to verify the validity of an if-statement.

Learn Programming Languages

After you’ve covered the basics, it’s time to learn some languages! There are so many to choose from, so this section is going to be broken down by language.

If you’re new to programming, it’s a great idea to start with a simpler language so that you can better understand how it operates. Once you get a hang of the basics, you can move onto something more complex.

Some languages to start with include C++, PHP, Python, Objective-C, and Java.

Code School

Code school is a great website to use to learn programming. It has tons of great beginner-friendly content, and they also have a neat learning path where you can build your skills as a programmer over time.

On Code School, you’ll learn the fundamentals of programming through interactive content, quizzes, and lots of practice problems. It’s very well put-together, and it doesn’t cost a cent to use!


Books are a personal favorite of mine when it comes to learning programming. There are so many great books to choose from, and you can pick and choose whatever you want to learn about programming in general.

Here are some great books to get you started:


Udemy is another great website for learning programming. It has thousands of great courses, and the programming section is one of the best I’ve seen. It’s very in-depth, and it covers just about any language you can think of.

Some of the best Udemy courses are related to learning specific programming languages. For example, you can learn how to program in Python, Java, and more from the comfort of your own home. is another one of those “pay once, use forever” websites. You only pay once, and then you can access the full course content forever.

You’ll find courses on pretty much every programming language you can think of, and they’re taught by top instructors who are experts in their fields. There are also some fun courses, like “How to Make Money as a Programmer”, where you can learn by doing.

Top 5 websites to learn programming in 2022

  1. Treehouse.
  2. Khan Academy.
  3. Udemy.
  4. Code4Startup.
  5. Coursera.

Online Courses

Online courses are a great way to learn programming when you’re on the go. You can take an online course whenever it’s convenient for you, and there are no monthly fees.

Some of the best online programming courses are offered by top universities. Courses from Stanford, MIT, and others are available online and can help you learn advanced programming topics.


Learning how to code can be daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before. You’ll find that there are a lot of resources out there to help you learn the fundamentals of programming, and the best website to start with is the website itself.

Learning how to program is a journey, and there will be ups and downs. Don’t get overwhelmed or frustrated, and realize that you’re going to make mistakes. It’s better to get frustrated and restart than to be too prideful to ask for help.

With time and patience, you can become a better programmer.

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