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Form FIVE Second Selection 2024/2025 TAMISEMI Form Five Selection

Tamisemi OTEAS
Written by allglobalupdates

Form FIVE Second Selection 2024/2025 TAMISEMI Form Five Selection;- TAMISEMI has released names of Students required to join form Five (Kidato Cha Tano) for Government schools after NECTA Form four results of 2024 released on 25th January by General Secretary Of National Examinations Council Of Tanzania Dr. Charles Msonde.

Since 1961, the Office of the President – TAMISEMI has been an independent Ministry, Ministry under the Office of the Prime Minister and in the Office of the President as it is now. The decision of where it is placed has been made to strengthen the performance of this Office.

The Office of the President TAMISEMI is the only Ministry whose Headquarters started in Dodoma since the beginning of the seventies since the Government announced that the Government Headquarters is Dodoma and in Dar es Salaam there has been a small Office. The presence of the Headquarters in Dodoma was aimed at providing equal opportunities to its main stakeholders, especially the Regions and Local Government Authorities to reach Dodoma easily when they follow various services.

The purpose of the existence of Local Governments is to transfer Powers to the Citizens, which originates from the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977 in Chapter 8, Article 145 and 146. The transfer of power to the citizens is through the Local Government Authorities and that is why Local Governments and Citizens’ participation in the development process have been identified in the Constitution and Laws of the United Republic of Tanzania.

When our country gained its independence, there were ten administrative states that were inherited from the British colonial rule in 1966. The first president, Julius Kambarage Nyerere, with the authority given to him, created 15 regions and removed the system of dividing the country into states. So far our country has 26 Regions, 139 Districts, 184 Councils, 570 Divisions, 3,956 Wards, 12,319 Villages, 64,384 Townships and 4,263 Streets. After independence there were a total of 45 councils and until 2009 they were 129 councils and they have continued to increase until they reach 184 in 2021.

At the time of Independence there were no Municipal Councils and now there are 6 Municipal Councils, there was one Municipal Council of Dares Salaam and now there are 20 Municipal Councils, there were 9 City Councils and now there are 21 City Councils and District Councils were 10 and now there are 137 District Councils.

Form FIVE Second Selection 2024 Post Za Form Five 2024. The office of TAMISEMI will officially release names of students selected to join various government advanced level (A-Level) schools for the academic year of 2024/2025

Also, You Might Wanna Read;- Waliochaguliwa Kidato cha Tano 5

Form FIVE Second Selection 2024/2025 | TAMISEMI

Form FIVE Second Selection 2024 TAMISEMI is to coordinate and supervise regional development management and administration.  TAMISEMI coordinates rural and urban development management policy and strategies; coordinates Regional Secretariats activities and builds their capacity in institutional development strategies for integrated socio-economic development and financial

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How to see TAMISEMI Form Five Second Selection 2024

Form FIVE Second Selection 2024 Form five selection second posts are announced today you can use the link below to check the second selection

Form five Selection 2024 results are out the following are simple steps to check the Tamisemi selection 2023:-

  • Visit the TAMISEMI official website;
  • Find the ‘announcement’ tab on the home-page.
  • Check for the new updates related to the form five selection for 2024/2025 academic year

17 June 2024

Form FIVE Second Selection 2024 OFISI YA RAIS – TAMISEMI


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The government continued with the Local Government system inherited from the colonialists and used it as a tool to bring about development on a democratic basis. Due to the various challenges that faced the performance of Local Government Authorities after independence in the early seventies, the Government abolished these Authorities and established a system of Regional Authorities.

This system made the Local Governments to depend on the Central Government for everything due to citizens not participating in decisions and also in development activities, the country’s economy declined and living standards dropped. Due to this situation, Local Governments on the part of City Authorities were restored again in 1978 and in 1984 Local Governments were restored on the part of District Authorities were also restored.

With the aim of strengthening the Local Governments and enabling them to provide better services to the citizens, the Government has been taking various measures. One of these steps is the introduction of the Local Government System Improvement Program established in 1998 which focused on devolving power to the people (D by D).

During the Reform period, the Government issued the Policy Paper on Local Government Reform Program on Decentralization by Devolution (D-by-D) as an effective way to deliver and accelerate Social and Economic development and raise the provision of service to citizens. This policy decision aims to overcome the shortcomings that existed in the previous systems and provide solutions to the existing challenges.

This concept of D by D is built on the basis of going from the system of Central Government Powers to have all the decisions and Local Governments being only the Executor (that is, the Importer and the Executor) to the system of Local Governments with the Legal Authority to decide matters in their location and implement them. Thus, having a system of discussion relations in the implementation of development activities. This concept aims to give more power to the people.

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