NESA eTAMS Teacher Accreditation 2023/2024 ;- an online accreditation system for all primary, secondary and early childhood teachers in NSW. It’s where you can: update your personal information, log and track your PD, review and evaluate PD course offerings, submit accreditation reports, submit a leave of absence and monitor the progress of your accreditation. Log in NESA Account Number and Register
Endorsed PD Providers can manage their courses and upload PD session participation. Visit the NESA website for more information about accreditation to teach and quality teaching in NSW.
NESA eTAMS Teacher Accreditation
Finalising Proficient Teacher accreditation
Teachers working towards Proficient Teacher can now finalise their accreditation requirements in their NESA online account. Visit the NESA website for information on finalising your accreditation online.
Principals/TAAs can now view reports and make Proficient Teacher accreditation decisions in their NESA online account.
Teachers currently following the offline process can still submit their report offline if needed. Principals/TAAs should refer to the offline process for making Proficient Teacher accreditation decisions offline.
Applying for accreditation for the first time
Visit the NESA website for information on conditional and provisional accreditation.
Maintaining accreditation
All teachers can log and evaluate professional development in their NESA online account. Visit the NESA website for information on professional development requirements and maintaining accreditation.
Applying for higher-level accreditation
Current applicants can upload and annotate evidence and add referees in their online account. To submit an application, email NESA with the subject line: ‘Higher level accreditation’. Visit the NESA website for more information on applying.
Taking a break from teaching
Apply for a future leave of absence in eTAMS. Visit the NESA website for information on taking a leave of absence including how to backdate a leave of absence.
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