Central Application Clearing House (CACH)

Central Application Clearing House (CACH);- If you have already applied to a University and/or TVET College and your application was not successful, the Central Applications Clearing House (CACH) service provides an alternative mechanism to access opportunities at other institutions.

The CACH service aims to match applicants’ exam results and study preferences with places that need to be filled. The CACH service does guarantee that applicant data will be actively distributed and made available to all possible institutions in the PSET system.

CACH shall take your Grade 12 results directly from the Department of Basic Education. The service does not guarantee that you will be offered a place.

Central Application Clearing House (CACH)

Cach service is closed for the year 2021 and will open in January 2022.

For the academic year 2021 apply on time directly at specific institutions for the program of your choice.

Should you need career guidance contact:

Should you need financial support or financial aid contact:

Should you need artisan support contact:

  • Artisan Support (National Artisan Development Support Centre) on 086 999 0125

For general information contact:

  • Department of Higher Education and Training on 0800 087 2222 or www.dhet.gov.za


For details of publicly funded Universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges in your province, click here.

Click on the link below for list of: