What is Meristematic Tissue

 Meristematic Tissue (Cells are capable of division)
§  A meristematic tissue (meristics = divisible) is a group of identical cells that are in a continuous state of division 
§  Some cells produced by meristematic tissue stop dividing and acquire certain changes (differentiation) to become permanent tissues of the plant
·         Based on location on the plant, the meristem is divided into three types:
§  Apical meristem
§  Found at the tips of roots, stem and branches 
§  Functions to increase length of these parts
§  Divided into three zones
·         Protoderm – form epidermal tissue
·         Procambium – form primary vascular tissues
·         Ground meristem – form cortex and pith
§   Intercalary meristem
§  Found in the nodal region, prominently in monocotyledons, e.g. grasses. 
§  It is derived from the apical meristem
§  Elongates the internodes
§  Lateral meristem
§  Found along the longitudinal axis of stem and root
§  E.g. Vascular cambium and cork cambium (phellogen)
§  Produces secondary permanent tissues
§  Increase thickness of stem and root
Photo Of A Fish On Corals


Evans, W. C. (2009). Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy. India: Reed Elsevier Limited